Aarhus Universitetsforlag

Translators and Translations


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Emnet for Translators and Translations - Greek-Danish er principper og praksis for oversættelse og specielt den sproglige overførsel fra oldgræsk til dansk samt mellem dansk og moderne græsk. Den er skrevet af fagfolk med vidt forskellig tilgang til oversættelsens teori og praksis og rummer blandt andet bidrag om oversættelse af antikke dramaer og heltedigte, af Bibelen, Søren Kierkegaards filosofiske skrifter, folkesange samt moderne græsk og dansk litteratur, EU-dokumenter og tekstning af film.



Otto Steen Due: The Forging of a New Danish Iliad

Jørgen Mejer: Translating Greek Tragedy. The Text on the Page, The Drama on the Stage

Minna Skafte Jensen: How Ancient Greek Literature Reached Danish Readers

Lene Andersen: Translating the Bible

Chr. Gorm Tortzen: Translations and Classical Civilization in the Danish Gymnasium

Takis Kayalis: European Literature in Translation: Research at the Center for the Greek Language

Rolf Hesse: Modern Greek Literature in Danish Translation

Note on Bibliography

Sophia Scopetea: On Translating Søren Kierkegaard's Philosophical Fragments into Greek

Lars Nørgaard: Achilleus Paraschos and Two Danish Folk Songs

Aristea Papanicolaou Christensen: Translating into Greek from Danish 19th Century Texts

Dimitris Papanikolaou: How Danish and Greek Legal Languages Meet in the Multilingual Environment of the European Community

Leo Kalovyrnas: Eurospeak: Neologisms and Other Translatory Phenomena in Danish and Greek. The European Parliament Minutes and Reports Corpus

Niels Jæger: Translation from Modern Greek into Danish at the EU institutions

Henrik Gottlieb: Texts, Translation and Subtitling - in Theory, and in Denmark

Iannis Papadakis: Subtitling in Greece. The Fear of the Goalie at the Penalty Kick

Frieda Charalabopoulou: Short Description of the CD-ROM "Filoglossia"

List of Contributors

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