The Past in the Present
Redigeret af Bodil Bundgaard Rasmussen
The past is inextricably embedded in the present - whether we are aware of it or not. The present was shaped by the thoughts and deeds of those who we…
199,95 kr. -
The Architecture of the Ancient Greek Theatre
Redigeret af Rune Frederiksen Elizabeth R. Gebhard Alexander Sokolicek
(bog + e-bog)
In this volume the leading experts on ancient Greek theatre architecture present new excavation results and new analyses of individual monuments. Man…
499,95 kr. -
A Study of the Circulation of Ceramics in Cyprus from the 3rd Century BC to the 3rd Century AD
(bog + e-bog)
This is the first monograph devoted solely to the ceramics of Cyprus in the Hellenistic and Roman Periods. The island was by then no longer divided i…
399,95 kr. -
Revealing and Concealing in Antiquity
Textual and Archaeological Approaches to Secrecy
Redigeret af Eva Mortensen Sine Grove Saxkjær
(bog + e-bog)
Secrecy and the act of concealing and revealing knowledge effectually segregate the initiated and the uninitiated. The act of sharing or hiding knowle…
249,95 kr. -
Tall al-Fukhãr
Results from Excavations in 1990-93 and 2002
Redigeret af John Strange
Recent excavations on the border between Jordan and Syria have uncovered ancient building ruins that provide interesting materials revealing the domes…
499,95 kr. -
Oldtidsagre i Danmark
Fyn og Langeland
Redigeret af Niels-Chr. Clemmensen Viggo Nielsen
350,00 kr. -
Care, Socialization and Play in Ancient Attica
A Developmental Childhood Archaeological Approach
(bog + e-bog)
Care, Socialization and Play in Ancient Attica scrutinizes in how infants and young children were nursed, cared for and socialized in the oikos (fami…
249,95 kr. -
En meget mærkelig mand
Jernforskeren Robert Thomsen
Robert Thomsen (1928-1995) boede det meste af sit liv i Varde, hvor han som civilingeniør var produktionschef på A/S Varde Staalværk frem til dets lu…
190,00 kr. -
Arkitektur og funktion
(bog + e-bog)
Stendysserne hører til blandt de ældste og mest monumentale oldtidsminder i Danmark. De over 5.000 år gamle anlæg står som fascinerende monumenter ove…
250,00 kr. -
KUML 2014
Årbog for Jysk Arkæologisk Selskab
Redigeret af Jesper Laursen Ingrid Nielsen
200,00 kr. -
Along the Road
Aspects of Causewayed Enclosures in South Scandinavia and Beyond
(bog + e-bog)
320,00 kr. -
The Regional Production of Red-figure Pottery
Greece, Magna Graecia and Etruria
Redigeret af Victoria Sabetai Stine Schierup
In the latter part of the fifth century BC, regional red-figure productions were established outside Attica in regional Greece and in the western Med…
349,95 kr.