Erik Westerby
Arkæolog og politifuldmægtig i Ringkøbing
Redigeret af Palle Eriksen
Juristen Erik Westerby er en navnkundig skikkelse i dansk arkæologi. I 1946 ankom han til Ringkøbing, hvor han fik ansættelse som politifuldmægtig. Ef…
199,95 kr. -
Patrons and Viewers in Late Antiquity
Redigeret af Stine Birk Birte Poulsen
(bog + e-bog)
The monumentality and the often rich embellishment of late antique buildings and monuments emphasises their importance to the patrons that commission…
349,95 kr. -
KUML 2012
Årbog for Jysk Arkæologisk Selskab
Redigeret af Jesper Laursen Ingrid Nielsen
200,00 kr. -
Petras, Siteia
25 years of excavations and studies
Redigeret af Metaxia Tsipopoulou
Acts of a two-day conference held at the Danish Insitute at Athens, 9-10 October 2010
299,95 kr. -
The Dzarylgac Survey Project
Redigeret af Peter Attema Pia Guldager Bilde Tymon de Haas Wieke de Neef Søren Handberg
This book is a publication of the Danish-Dutch-Ukrainian survey project carried out in 2007 and 2008 on both sides of Lake Dzarylgac - that is, in th…
750,00 kr. -
Panskoye I, vol. 2
The Necropolis
Redigeret af Vladimir F. Stolba
750,00 kr. -
Red-figure Pottery in its Ancient Setting
Redigeret af Bodil Bundgaard Rasmussen Stine Schierup
(bog + e-bog)
What happened when Athenian pottery reached other cultural contexts and was absorbed into indigenous communities around or outside Greece? How did th…
225,00 kr. -
Excavating the Mind
Redigeret af Helle Juel Jensen Mads D. Jessen Niels Johannsen
(bog + e-bog)
349,95 kr. -
The Ancient Harbours of the Piraeus
The Zea Shipsheds and Slipways
Volume 15.1: Architecture and Topography Volume 15.2: Finds, Area 1 Shipshed Roof Reconstructions and Feature Catalogue Athens in the Classical per…
599,95 kr. -
Things from the Town
Artefacts and Inhabitants in Viking-age Kaupang
Redigeret af Dagfinn Skre
(bog + e-bog)
499,95 kr. -
The Archaeology of Medieval Europe, vol. 1+2
Redigeret af Martin Carver James Graham-Campbell Jan Klápste Magdalena Valor
850,00 kr. -
Silver Economies, Monetisation and Society in Scandinavia AD 800-1100
Redigeret af James Graham-Campbell Søren Michael Sindbæk Gareth Williams
The Viking Age was a period of great economic complexity and experimentation in Scandinavia. By the end of the period, an ancient 'display' economy,…
399,95 kr.