Revealing and Concealing in Antiquity
Textual and Archaeological Approaches to Secrecy
En del af serien Aarhus Studies in Mediterranean Antiquity (13) , og fagområdet Arkæologi
Redigeret af
Eva Mortensen og
Sine Grove Saxkjær
Med bidrag af
Niels Bargfeldt,
Hugh Bowden,
Maria Munkholt Christensen,
Uffe Holmsgaard Eriksen,
Wiebke Friese,
Trine Arlund Hass,
Søren Sindberg Jensen,
Signe Krag,
Eva Mortensen,
Sine Grove Saxkjær og
Erin Jeanne Wright
Mere om bogen
Om bogen
Secrecy and the act of concealing and revealing knowledge effectually segregate the initiated and the uninitiated. The act of sharing or hiding knowledge plays a central role in all human relations private or public, political or religious. This volume explores the concept of secrecy and its implications in Antiquity, Late Antiquity and the Renaissance in eleven cross-disciplinary contributions using both textual and archaeological sources. By exploring the revealing and concealing of knowledge across different social contexts, time frames and geographical locations, the book provides insight into the concept of secrecy and its potential for illuminating the agendas behind identity constructions, political propaganda, literary works, religous practices and shared history.
Sanne Lind Hansen
Cand.mag. i etnografi og klassisk arkæologi og tillægsuddannelse fra Danmarks Journalisthøjskole. Sanne arbejder primært med antropologi, arkæologi og tidlig historie. Hun har desuden særligt ansvar for kommissionsaftaler - og en fortid på Antiksamlingen ved Nationalmuseet.
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