Sugar and Modernity in Latin America
Interdisciplinary Perspectives
En del af fagområderne Antropologi, Litteratur og Sundhed
Udsolgt fra forlaget
Redigeret af
Vinicius de Carvalho,
Susanne Højlund,
Per Bendix Jeppesen og
Karen-Margrethe Simonsen
Med indledning af
Jim Mann
Med bidrag af
Gitte K. Bjørn,
Vinicius de Carvalho,
Ken Henriksen,
Susanne Højlund,
Per Bendix Jeppesen,
Ulla Kidmose,
Heidi Kildegaard,
Annie Oehlerich og
Karen-Margrethe Simonsen
Mere om bogen
Om bogen
Type 2 diabetes, obesity, and other diseases related to modern lifestyles have spread with frightening speed all over the globe, a development that is often correlated with an increase in the consumption of sugar. Latin America - the cradle of the world's sugar production - is no exception; it has witnessed an explosion of cases of diabetes, especially in Brazil and Mexico. Taking an interdisciplinary approach to the problem, this book asks two questions. First, what are the relationships between diabetes, sugar intake, and 'dangerous' modern lifestyles? And second, how can research into the material, symbolic, and historical functions of sugar redefine the concept of modernity?
Experts in medical science, agriculture, sociology, food science and anthropology, as well as in Latin America, Brazilian, and literary studies use sugar as a prism for understanding the complicated relations between disease and cultural and social habits, between past and present, and between symbolic meanings and material effect. Through this truly interdisciplinary perspective, both traditional approaches to lifestyle diseases and current understandings of modernity are questioned.
Sugar and Modernity in Latin America serves as an example of and a call for interdisciplinary dialogue in response to the grand challenges of modern society.
Part one: The Problem of Health
Is There a Correlation Between High Sugar Consumption and the Increase in Health Problems in Latin America?
Part two: The Preference for Sweetness
Sweetness Preference, Sugar Intake, and Obesity in Latin America
Tasting Time: The Meaning of Sugar in Cuba. Contextualizing the Taste of Sweetness
Part Three: The Globalized Practices
Estás Aquí Para Ser Feliz: The Globalization of Sweetend Soft Drinks in Mexico
The Sweet Tooth of Mother Earth: Sugar's Symbolic Ways Among the Highland Indians in Bolivia
Production Methods and Quality of Sugar Cane in Latin America
Part four: The Art of Slavery
The Perceptions of Modernity in José Lins do Rego's Sugar Cane Cycle, or "not all sugar is sweet"
"Sin azúcar no hay país": Transcultural Images of Sugar and Modernity in the Poetry of Nicolás Guillén
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