Interface Criticism
Aesthetics Beyond Buttons
En del af fagområderne Informationsteknologi, Kunst og æstetik og Medier
Udsolgt fra forlaget
Redigeret af
Christian Ulrik Andersen og
Søren Bro Pold
Med bidrag af
Dragana Antic,
Inke Arns,
Morten Breinbjerg,
Christophe Bruno,
Geoff Cox,
Florian Cramer,
Matthew Fuller,
Lone Koefoed Hansen,
Erkki Huhtamo,
Jacob Lillemose,
Henrik Kaare Nielsen,
Søren Bro Pold og
Bodil Marie Thomsen
Mere om bogen
BACK: Displays and History
Monumental Attractions: Toward An Archaeology of Public Media Interfaces.
The Haptic Interface: On Signal Transmissions and Events.
THROUGH: Sensation and Perception
The Interface at the Skin.
Interface Perception: The Cybernetic Mentality and Its Critics: Ubermorgen.com.
BEHIND: Representation and Computation
What Is Interface Aesthetics or What Could It Be (Not)?
The Computation of Space.
DOWN: Software and Code
Means-end of Software.
Poesis of Human-Computer Interaction: Music, Materiality and Live Coding.
Writerly Gaming: Political Gaming.
OUT: Culture and Politics
The Net Interface and the Public Sphere.
Is There Really Only One Word For It?
Vocabularies in the Expanded Field of Interface Aesthetics.
Transparent World: Minoritarian Tactics in the Age of Transparency.
Collective Hallucination and Capitalism 2.0: Scale-free Elections in France
Netop udkommet
Forlaget skriver:
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