Aarhus Universitetsforlag

Interface Criticism

Aesthetics Beyond Buttons

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295 sider ill.
ISBN 978 87 7934 504 1

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BACK: Displays and History

Monumental Attractions: Toward An Archaeology of Public Media Interfaces.

The Haptic Interface: On Signal Transmissions and Events.

THROUGH: Sensation and Perception

The Interface at the Skin.

Interface Perception: The Cybernetic Mentality and Its Critics: Ubermorgen.com.

BEHIND: Representation and Computation

What Is Interface Aesthetics or What Could It Be (Not)?

The Computation of Space.

DOWN: Software and Code

Means-end of Software.

Poesis of Human-Computer Interaction: Music, Materiality and Live Coding.

Writerly Gaming: Political Gaming.

OUT: Culture and Politics

The Net Interface and the Public Sphere.

Is There Really Only One Word For It?

Vocabularies in the Expanded Field of Interface Aesthetics.

Transparent World: Minoritarian Tactics in the Age of Transparency.

Collective Hallucination and Capitalism 2.0: Scale-free Elections in France

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