Contrasts and Solutions in the Middle East
En del af fagområdet Historie
Udsolgt fra forlaget
Redigeret af
Ole Høiris og
Sefa Martin Yürükel
Med bidrag af
Meliha Benli Altunisik,
Lars Erslev Andersen,
Ilhan Ataseven,
Nuri Bilgin,
Grete Bille,
Ulf Bjereld,
Faik Bulut,
Kemal Burkay,
Naomi Chazan,
Connie Carøe Christiansen,
Ihsan D. Dagi,
Selahattin Erhan,
Mette Fenger,
Mehmet Bedri Gültekin,
Manuel S. Hassassian,
Jacques Hersh,
Jan Hjärpe,
Martin Hvidt,
Mehrdad R. Izady,
Orhan Kotan,
Andreas Laursen,
Osman Faruk Logoglu,
Dag Jørund Lønning,
Peder Mortensen,
Baskin Oran,
Dogu Perinçek,
Gert Petersen,
Sami Abdul Rahman,
Maryam Rajavi,
Lene Kofoed Rasmussen,
Torben Retbøll,
Helga Rittersberger-Tiliç,
Khaled Salih og
Sefa Martin Yürükel
Mere om bogen
Om bogen
I 44 essays giver en række internationale forskere, politikere og eksperter tilbundsgående beskrivelser af de komplekse og mangeartede problemer, der findes i henholdsvis: Palæstina og Israel; Iran, Irak og Syrien; Tyrkiet; og de kurdiske områder.
Introduction and General Survey:
National or Religious Identification seen in a Local and Global Perspective, Peder Mortensen
Universal Human Rights, Particular Cultural Rights and Peaceful Co-existence. Models for Conflicts and their Solution in the Middle East, Ole Høiris
The New Map of the Middle East, Faik Bulut
Rushdie, Fundamentalism and Politics, Lars Erslev Andersen
The Mosque and Fear of Fundamentalism, Anders Jerichow
History as Mythos. On the Question of Religious Language and Historiography in Middle Eastern Politics, Jan Hjärpe
The Muslim Woman - A Battlefield, Connie Carøe Christiansen & Lene Kofoed Rasmussen
The Middle East:
The Significance of Oil in the Middle East and North Africa, Meliha Benli Altunisik
To Get More Out of Less. Managing the Water Resources for Sustained Agricultural Production, Martin Hvidt
The Challenge and Predicament of Human Rights Violations in the Mediterranean Context, Ihsan D. Dagi
Israel - Palestine:
Human Rights and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, Torben Retbøll
Created by the Enemy - Enemy Images as Nation Builders in Israel, Dag Jørund Lønning
Religion - Legitimizing the National Dream, Jørgen Bæk Simonsen
Two Movements of National Liberation - in Conflict or Peace Making?, Gert Petersen
The Middle East Between Agony and Progress Building a New Palestine, Johannes Dragsbaek Schmidt & Jacques Hersh
The Transformation of Palestinian Civil Society and Its Role in Developing Democratic Trends in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, Manuel S. Hassassian
The Peace Process in the Middle East - Explanations and Future Prospects, Ulf Bjereld
Israel and the Peace Process, Naomi Chazan
Iran - Syria - Iraq:
Iranian Fundamentalism - A Threat to the World, Maryam Rajavi
The Significance of Religion - Islam and Modernity, Andreas Laursen
The Alawites' Rise to Power in Syria, Mette Fenger
Nationalism and Geo-Political Circumstances - The Kurdish Problem as an Example, Sami Abdul Rahman
The Politics of Genocide From Iraqi Counter-Insurgency to Ethnic Cleansing of Kurdish Areas, Khaled Salih & Kirsten E. Schulze
An Historical Account of Identity Formation in Turkey - The Impact of Nomadism, Selahattin Erhan
The Assyrian Community in Turkey, Joseph Yacoub
The Construction of the Turkish Republic and Citizenship, Mümtaz Soysal
Turkey and the Middle East, Osman Faruk Logoglu
Republican Citizenship Facing the Challenge of Identity, Nuri Bilgin
An Imaginative Approach to the Problem of Turkey's Security in the 21st Century, Erhan Yarar
The Reality of Turkey, Sefa Martin Yürükel
Political Islam - An Anomaly of Liberal Democracy?, Elisabeth Özdalga
Turkish Media After the 1980s, L. Dogan Tiliç
Turkey in a State of Fear, Erik Siesby
Water Disputes and Ethnic Conflicts in the Middle East - The Case of the Kurds, Omar Sheikhmous
Alevis in Turkey and Europe, Mehmet Ali Ölmez
The Reconstitution of History and Continuous History, Ilhan Ataseven
The Alevis and Politics in Turkey, Helga Rittersberger-Tiliç
The Kurdish Question:
The Kurdish Question - its History and Present Situation, Kemal Burkay
The Kurdish Demographic Revolution and its Socio-Political Implications, Mehrdad R. Izady
Thoughts on the State and Kurdish Identity in Turkey, Baskin Oran
The Kurdish Question on the Basis of the North-South Contradiction, Dogu Perinçek
The Separation of the Kurdish People and Their National Struggle, Mehmet Bedri Gültekin
The Perspectives of the Kurdish Movement in Light of the Oil Strategies of the 21st Century, Orhan Kotan
Societal Security: A Solution to the Kurdish Problems?, Grete Bille
List of Contributors
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