Actualities of Aura
Twelve Studies of Walter Benjamin
En del af serien NSU-press , og fagområderne Film og teater, Filosofi og etik og Litteratur
Udsolgt fra forlaget
Redigeret af
Dag Petersson
Med bidrag af
Catherine D. Dharvernas,
Peter Fenves,
Tara Forrest,
Graeme Gilloch,
Jae-Ho Kang,
David Kelman,
Dag Petersson,
Claus Krogholm Sand og
Erik Steinskog
Mere om bogen
Introduction: Collecting Twelve Studies of Walter Benjamin
Dag Petersson and Erik Steinskog
Fabricating Aura: The Face in Film
Graeme Gilloch
The Politics of Aura and Imagination in Benjamin's Writings on Hashish
Tara Forrest
Transformations of Readability and Time: A Case of Reproducibility and Cloning
Dag Petersson
The Aura in Photography and the Task of the Historian
Catherine D. Dharvernas
Ruinous Aura: From Sunset Boulevard to Mulholland Drive
Claus Krogholm Sand
The Inactuality of Aura: Figural Relations in Walter Benjamin's "On Some Motifs in Baudelaire"
David Kelman
Is There an Answer to the Aestheticization of the Political? Some Remarks on a Passage in Benjamin's "Work of Art" Essay
Peter Fenves
In the Midst of the Monad: Reflections on Auratic Alignments of the Everyday in Leibniz and Benjamin
Mikkel Bruun Zangenberg
The Afterlife of Judaism: From the Book of Splendor to Benjamin's Shooting Stars
Henry Sussman
The Decay of Aura/The Aura of Decay
Erik Steinskog
The Phantasmagoria of the Spectacle: A Critique of Media Culture
Jae-Ho Kang
Images of the Aura: Some Motifs in French Modernism
Beryl Schlossman
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