The Spolia Churches of Rome
Recycling Antiquity in the Middle Ages
En del af fagområderne Arkitektur, Historie og Kunst og æstetik
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Om bogen
The church-builders of the Middle Ages treated the architecture of ancient Rome like a quarry full of prefabricated building materials. This resulted in some very eclectically and ingeniously constructed churches.
In The Spolia Churches of Rome we learn of the principles for the distribution of these antique architectural elements and the significance of breaking down and building on the past. Also presented here is a selection of eleven particularly beautiful churches featuring a wide variety of spolia. This book also contains maps and other practical information which make it the ideal companion when seeking out the past in modern-day Rome.
Pressen skrev
"The guide works very well and is easy to use on-site ... provides intelligent and clear explanations to the spolia churches ... This work constitues an easily accessible and enjoyable addition to archaeological guidebooks in Rome - filling a much needed gap in guides dedicated to the architectural history of the city."
Simon J. Barker, Journal of Roman Studies
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