Aarhus Universitetsforlag

Romanticism in Theory

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240 sider
ISBN 87 7288 786 9

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I 15 essays præsenteres kritiske tilgange til værker af tyske, engelske, amerikanske, franske og skandinaviske romantiske forfattere. Udgangspunktet er forholdet mellem litteratur, kunst og teori i romantisk litteratur og de tråde, der forbinder romantikken med det 20. århundredes teori.

Artiklerne omhandler forfattere som: Novalis, Grimm, Blake, Wordsworth, Keats, De Quincey og Kierkegaard



Language and Semiotics:

The Early Romantic Theory of Language and Its Impact upon Nietzsche and Foucault, Ernst Behler
'Transition Fossiles': Friedrich von Hardenberg's Conception of Transition in his Werner-Studien, Marie-Theres Federhofer
The Performative in Romantic Theory and Practice: On the Linguistic Philosophy of Coleridge and Humboldt, Angela Esterhammer
The Voice of the Mother: On Reading, Writing and Femininity in Romantic Poetics and in the Poetry of P.D.A. Atterbom, Otto Fischer
German Romanticism between World Literature and German Philology, Bengt Algot Sørensen

Image, Imagery, Imagination:

Hypervisuality in German Romanticism, or 'The Crystal Revenge', Alice Kuzniar
Images and Counter-Images: Quotations of Forms and Genres in Tieck and E.T.A. Hoffmann, Andreas Böhn
The Metaphysical Implosion: Reflections upon Reflections of Landscape in Turner and Wordsworth, Klaus P. Mortensen
Carl Gustav Carus and Landscape Painting, Diana Behler
The Overgrown Space: Romantic Imagination and Arabesque in Søren Kierkegaard's The Concept of Irony, Isak Winkel Holm

The Romantic Other:

William Blake and the Gothic Sublime, Ib Johansen
Schelling and the Unconscious of a Work of Art, Cecilia Sjöholm
The Erosion of Romantic Love: From Friedrich Schlegel to E.T.A. Hoffmann, Chenxi Tang
Dickinson and Whitman at the Crossroads: Perfection, Gender, and the Embryo of a Modernist Split Subject, Ide Hejlskov Larsen
Poétique du rêve et théories de l'écriture dans l'Europe romantique, Alain Montandon

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