Aarhus Universitetsforlag

Perplexities of Identification

Anthropological Studies in Cultural Differentiation and the Use of Resources

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265 sider ill.
ISBN 87 7288 818 0

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Om bogen

Perplexities of Identification undersøger identitet ud fra en etnisk og national, men også psykologisk synsvinkel. I sin diskussion af begrebet identitet kommer bogen således vidt omkring lige fra aristokratiet i Polen til kristne og muslimer i Palæstina og til urfolket i Australien..

"This book Perplexities of identification makes and important contribution to the growing literature on self and identity practices, articulation well with other recent treatments ... What makes this book distinctive ... is its focus on the dynamic between identity practices and access to specific symbolic and material resources."
Maureen Fuary in The Asia Pacific Journal of Anthropology


Chapter 1: Protean Perplexities: An Introduction, Ton Otto and Henk Driessen

Chapter 2: Relatives and Rivals: The Narcissism of Minor Differences, Anton Blok

Chapter 3: The Two Deaths of Basem Rishmawi: Identity Constructions and Reconstructions in a Muslim-Christian Palestinian Community, Glenn Bowman

Chapter 4: A Case of Identities: Multiple Personality Disorder, Poul Pedersen

Chapter 5: Ritual and Conflicting Identifications: The Case of a Female Bricoleur, Louise Thoonen

Chapter 6: Indigenous Struggles and the Discreet Charm of the Bourgeoisie, Jonathan Friedman

Chapter 7: Dissimulations: Representing Ladakhi Identity, Martijn van Beek

Chapter 8: 'We Are Still One But Still Different': Communality and Diversity in Aboriginal Australia, Ad Borsboom and Janneke Hulsker

Chapter 9: Cultural Resources of Elite Identity: The Vicissitudes of the Polish Gentry, Longina Jakubowska

Chapter 10: Thinking Together What Falls Apart: Some Reflections on the Concept of Identity, Hans Siebers

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