Aarhus Universitetsforlag

Middle Eastern Cities 1900-1950

Public Places and Public Spheres in Transformation

En del af serien Proceedings of the Danish Institute in Damascus (1) , og fagområderne og

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175 sider ill.
ISBN 87 7288 906 3

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Om bogen

Byerne i Mellemøsten gennemgik i starten af det 20. århundrede dramatiske ændringer, nye offentlige bygninger og rum dukkede op, og i kølvandet på dem et helt nyt samfund. Nye institutioner som biografer og museer opstod, mens fx gammelkendte rum som gaden blev et samlingspunkt for nye former for socialt og politisk liv.

Bogen forsøger at kortlægge, hvordan disse forandringer påvirkede indbyggerne i byerne.


Introduction: Public Places and Public Spheres in Transformation, Jakob Skovgaard-Petersen

Colonizing Popular Culture or Creating Modernity?, Walter Armbrust

Town Planning Schemes for Cairo, Mercedes Volait

The Pleasure of Public Space Muhammad 'Ali Street and the Nightclubs in Cairo (1900-1950), Karin van Nieuwkerk

Sex and Cinema in Damascus, Elizabeth Thompson

The Early Museums and the Formation of Their Publics, Christel Braae

Istanbul in the 1940's and the Garip Poets, Henning Goldbæk

The Appearance and Disappearance of Public Space, Hans Chr. Korsholm Nielsen

Construction of the Public Sphere in the Middle Eastern Medina During the First Half of the 20th Century, Anton Escher

Pressen skrev

"This collection of essays is the first and promising volume, which inaugurated the Institute's [The Danish Institute in Damascus] series of proceedings ... the book is well written as well as abundantly and mostly aptly illustrated ... The book ... should be a source of inspiration not only for scholars and researchers but also for all those with a keen interest in the relationship between space and consciousness in the context of urban modernity ..."

Hélène Vacher H-Urban

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