Medieval Archaeology in Scandinavia and Beyond
History, trends and tomorrow
En del af fagområdet Arkæologi
Redigeret af
James Graham-Campbell,
Mette Svart Kristiansen og
Else Roesdahl
Med bidrag af
Michael Andersen,
Símun V. Arge,
Jette Arneborg,
Sarah Croix,
Mark Gardiner,
Manfred Gläser,
Poul Baltzer Heide,
Christof Krauskopf,
Mette Svart Kristiansen,
Niels Lynnerup,
Lennart S. Madsen,
Olaf Olsen,
Neil Price,
Else Roesdahl,
Jussi-Pekka Taavitsainen,
Orri Vesteinsson,
Jes Wienberg,
Matthias Wemhoff og
Ingvild Øye
Mere om bogen
Om bogen
This book presents, in twenty international papers, the origin and development, and some of the main characteristics and diversities, of the academic discipline of medieval - and later - archaeology in a number of countries in northern Europe. Denmark is the main focus, together with the four other Scandinavian countries, the Faroes and Greenland. The book also provides an insight into some of the discipline's major achievements and fascinating discoveries in these parts of the world, as well as into some of the current research agendas, with their new perspectives, including developments towards the inclusion of the archaeology of more recent periods. The book is based on the proceedings of a conference held to celebrate 40 years of medieval archaeology as a university discipline in Denmark - one of the first countries to have a chair of medieval archaeology, established at Aarhus University, in 1971.
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