Aarhus Universitetsforlag

Japan and Korea

Contemporary Studies

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304 sider ill.
ISBN 87 7288 689 7

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Om bogen

Når danske firmaer har svært ved at slå igennem på det japanske marked hænger det ofte sammen med, at de ikke undersøger de særlige japanske forhold grundigt nok på forhånd. Forskellige opfattelser kan ofte føre til frustrationer og mislykkede forhandlinger.

I Japan and Korea finder man bl.a. en undersøgelse af danske datterselskaber i Japan. Dette er en bredviftet, tværfaglig samling af essays inden for den nyeste Japan-forskning, samt artikler om koreansk og ryukyuan-dialekt. Forfatterne er en international gruppe forskere inden for lingvistik, litteratur og kultur- og samfundsforskning.



Jørgen Bramsen, Korean Nominal Syntax with Special Regard to Nominative Constructions and the Various Functions of the Morpheme Ga
Steven Hagers, The Importance of a Korean Source on the Ryukyan Language
Mariko Hayashi, The Acquisition of Spatial Expressions by Japanese-Speaking Children
Benedicte M. Irgens, Subjective or Objective? A Comparison of Utterance Types in Japanese and Norwegian
Onishi Takuichiro, Diachronic Correspondence in the Conjugations of the Verbs of the Japanese Dialects
Reïko Shimamori, Spontaneity and Causativity
Yuko Yoshida, Lexical Accent Assignment in Standard Japanese - The Benefits of a Single-Pitch Analysis


Luk Van Haute, Young and Politically Incorrect: Ôe Kenzaburô's Early Marginal Heroes
Yôichi Nagashima, A Genealogy of Sokkyô Shijin in the Works of Mori Ôgai - From 'Translation' to 'Creative Writing'
James O'Brien, The Lyric Voice in Modern Japanese Poetry: A Few Considerations
Roy Starrs, Varieties of National Narrative in Meiji Japan
Lone Takeuchi, Marriages Made in Otogizôshi
Noriko Thunman, Mishima Yukio and Raymond Radiguet: Tôzoku and Le Bal du Comte d'Orgel

Culture and Society:

Lars Bonderup Bjørn, The Control of Danish Subsidiaries in Japan: Socio-Cultural Interfaces
Christian Morimoto Hermansen, Ninsokuyoseba - Or How Kamagasaki Works
Olof G. Lidin, Ri and Ki in Japanese Thought
Mika Merviö, The Mythical Construction of Tradition and Contemporary Japanese International Relations
Sang-Chul Park, Japanese Style Democracy
Leif Selstad, The Unique, the Ordinary, and General Lessons from Tokyo Urbanism
Takahashi Mutsuko, Applying Hermeneutics to the Studies of Discourses on Welfare: The Case of Japanese Welfare Discourses


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