Aarhus Universitetsforlag

Grundtvig in International Perspective

Studies in the Creativity of Interaction

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209 sider
ISBN 87 7288 835 0

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Om bogen

"Bestemt ikke en bog kun for specialister eller fagfolk, men for enhver, der har lyst til at vide noget om Grundtvigs internationale aktualitet på skoleområdet eller det teologiske felt ... de enkelte essays er velskrevne og perspektiverende, og man kommer meget fint omkring i det grundtvigske univers."
Mikkel Wold i Information


Abbreviations and Frequently Quoted Books

A.M. Allchin, Introduction

Philip Hefner, Theology and Creation: Joseph Sittler and N.F.S. Grundtvig

Michael Root, Generous Orthodoxy: Regin Prenter's Appropriation of Grundtvig

Axel C. Kildegaard, Danish Grundtvigians in the United States: Challenges Past and Present

R. William Franklin, Grundtvig Within the Ecclesiological Revival of 19th-Century Europe

Vítor Westhelle, "The Noble Tribe of Truth" Etchings on Myth, Language, and Truth Speaking

Jakob Balling, Old Europe and its Aftermath: Poetry, Doctrine, and Western Culture

Christian Thodberg, Grundtvig's View of the Bible

A.M. Allchin, The Holy Spirit in the Teaching of N.F.S. Grundtvig

S.A.J. Bradley, "A Truly Proud Ruin": Grundtvig and the Anglo-Saxon Legacy

Gustav Björkstrand, Grundtvig's "Education for Life" and the Cultural Challenge Facing the Baltic and Nordic Countries Today

Asoke Bhattacharya, Adult Education in India: Relevance of Grundtvig

K.E. Bugge, Some International Varieties of Grundtvig Inspiration

Holger Bernt Hansen, Education for Life or for Livelihood? Grundtvig and the Third World Revisited

List of Authors

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