Exploring Text, Media, and Memory
En del af fagområdet Litteratur
Udsolgt fra forlaget
Redigeret af
Lars Sætre,
Patrizia Lombardo og
Sara Tanderup Linkis
Med bidrag af
Sara Tanderup Linkis,
Ragnhild Evang Reinton,
Asbjørn Grønstad,
Jorunn S. Gjerden,
Svend Erik Larsen,
Anders Kristian Strand,
Lars Sætre,
Henrik Gustafsson,
Pieter Vermeulen,
Susana Onega,
Hans Lauge Hansen,
Randi Koppen,
Thomas Hill,
Helle Håkonsen,
Tone Selboe,
Patrizia Lombardo,
Julien Zanetta,
Anders M. Gullestad og
Mads Rosendahl Thomsen
Mere om bogen
Om bogen
Exploring Text, Media, and Memory investigates the link between memory and media by asking a series of questions pertinent to our time: How do individual and collective memories blend? How do traumatic experiences from past events and catastrophic projections of the future reveal the human condition in the epoch of frenetic technological reproduction of works of art? How is the human body tied to narrations – and why?
A group of international scholars tackle questions like these across art forms, media, and cultural history. In nineteen essays they argue that modern and contemporary literary texts and visual arts show how photography, film, tape recording, television, and internet are not just means of storing memory and information, but objects that we interact with every day – challenging static visions of places and the linear notions of past, present and future.
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