Energy in the Nordic World
En del af serien The Nordic World (8) , og fagområdet Samfundsvidenskab
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In high-income countries, energy is foundational for industry, daily living, transportation, entertainment, and more. But, like other critical resources, it is limited and the availability of energy sources varies, from oilrich Norway to windswept Denmark to a geothermalpowered Iceland.
The five Nordic countries may be at the forefront of the “green transition,” but neither the history of energy nor its present trajectory are uniform in the region. Åberg and Rüdiger outline the history of energy in the Nordic countries from the industrial revolution in the nineteenth century to the present day and a more sustainable future.
Anna Åberg is a senior researcher in the history of science and technology at the Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden.
Mogens Rüdiger is an associate professor of energy history at Aalborg University, Denmark.
Karina Bell Ottosen

Cand.scient. i informationsvidenskab. Karina har ansvar for det samfundsvidenskabelige område og særligt udvikling af serierne The Nordic World og Magtudredningen 2.0. Hun er forlagets rettighedsansvarlige og har stået i spidsen for at udvikle forlagets internationale profil, herunder co-publicering med amerikanske og engelske universitetsforlag. Karina har en fortid som redaktør i Gyldendal Akademisk og på Forlaget Ajour.
Pressen skrev
Peder Anker, Technology and Culture, Volume 66
"Energy in the Nordic World is a significant and timely contribution to energy history. Aberg and Rudigers interdisciplinary work will appeal to scholars of energy history, environmental studies, and Nordic studies, as well as policymakers and practitioners involved in the global energy transition. Its focus on both historical and contemporary issues makes it a valuable resource for understanding the energy challenges and opportunities that lie ahead for the Nordic region and beyond."
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