Aarhus Universitetsforlag

Conventional Values of the Hellenistic Greeks

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320 sider ill.
ISBN 87 7288 555 6

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Alexander den Stores korte regeringsperiode skabte voldsomme politiske og sociale forandringer i det østlige middelhavsområde. En række forskere ser her på den hellenistiske periode (ca. 323 til 31 f.Kr.) og på hvordan disse forandringer påvirkede livssynet hos såvel eliten som den menige borger.




Pauline Schmitt Pantel: Public Feasts in the Hellenistic Greek City: Forms and Meanings

Burkhard Fehr: Society, Consanguinity and the Fertility of Women: The Community of Deities on the Great Frieze of the Pergamum Altar as a Paradigm of Cross-Cultural Ideas

Giulia Sfameni Gasparrov: Daimon and Tuche in the Hellenistic Religious Experience

Dale B. Martin: Hellenistic Superstition: The Problems of Defining a Vice

Richard Gordon: <i: Hellenistic Magic and Astrology

David Konstan: Conventional Values of the Hellenistic Greeks: The Evidence from Astrology

Tomas Hägg: A Professor and his Slave: Conventions and Values in the Life of Aesop

Sarah B. Pomeroy: Family Values: The Uses of the Past

Sanne Houby-Nielsen: Grave Gifts, Women, and Conventional Values in Hellenistic Athens

Halvor Moxnes: Conventional Values in the Hellenistic World: Masculinity

Lise Hannestad: Death on Delos: Conventions in an International Context

Index of Persons

Index of Modern Authors

Geographical Index

Index Locorum

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