Baptism and the New Life
A Study of Romans 6.1-14
En del af fagområdet Teologi
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Om bogen
Baptism and the New Life er den første disputats om Paulus' teologi i næsten 70 år. Bogens hovedemne er den begejstring for frelsen og det nye liv, som Paulus udtrykker i Romerbrevet (Rom 6.1-14).
I. Theses and points of discussion relative to Rom 6.1-14
Part One: Preparatory studies of the historical background:
II. Hellenistic mystery religion as a background to baptism
III. Baptismal concepts in Hellenistic-Christian communities
IV. Baptismal Practice in the Primitive Church and Judeo-Christian prerequisites
Part Two: Review of the text:
V. Rom 5 as Prelude to Rom 6
VI. The leading questions in Rom 6.1-2 and the dominant structure
VII. Rom 6.3-5: the new life as a consequence of baptism into death
VIII. Rom 6.6-8: further reasoning in support of the new life
IX. Rom 6.9-11: the concluding process of reasoning
X. The appeal in Rom 6.12-14 and the substance of the new life
XI. Summary
Dansk resumé:
Første del: Forberedende studier om den historiske baggrund
Anden del: Tekstgennemgang
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