Aarhus Universitetsforlag

Aspects of Hellenistic Kingship

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160 sider ill.
ISBN 87 7288 474 6

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Om bogen

Folkestyre, demokratia, er vel den regeringsform de fleste forbinder med den græske verden i antikken; men fra Alexander den Stores tid og fremefter blev kongedømmet den normale styreform. Bogen behandler kongedømmet i hellenistisk tid: dels udvalgte aspekter (fx kongelige festmåltider), dels udviklingen i enkelte kongeriger.




Oswin Murray: Hellenistic Royal Symposia

Robert Fleischer: Hellenistic Royal Iconography on Coins

Amélie Kuhrt: The Seleucid Kings and Babylonia: New Perspectives on the Seleucid Realm in the East

Josef Wiesehöfer: "King of Kings" and "Philhellên:" Kingship in Arsacid Iran

Lise Hannestad: "This Contributes in no small way to one's Reputation:" The Bithynian Kings and Greek Culture

Tessa Rajak: Hasmonean Kingship and the Invention of Tradition

Erich S. Gruen: Hellenistic Kingship: Puzzles, Problems, and Possibilities


Index of Persons

Index of Modern Authors

Geographical Index

Index Locorum

Pressen skrev

Johan C. Thom, Religious Studies Review

 "The various essays highlight the complexities involved in studying Hellenistic kingship rather than offer simplistic solutions, and thus open up new avenues for research. The volume belongs in every serious research library."

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