Aarhus Universitetsforlag

Arthropod Natural Enemies in Arable Land

III. The Individual, the Population and the Community

En del af serien Acta Jutlandica (72:2; Natural Science Series, 11) , og fagområdet

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326 sider ill.
ISBN 87 7288 673 0

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Om bogen

Brugen af pesticider har - navnlig i de tropiske lande - muliggjort en mangedobling af høstudbyttet. Uden en effektiv skadedyrsbekæmpelse vil det være umuligt at brødføde jordens befolkning. Valget står imidlertidig ikke nødvendigvis mellem pesticider og hungerkatastrofer. Biologisk skadedyrsbekæmpelse, hvor man anvender rovmider eller parasitter til bekæmpelse af skadedyr i drivhuse, har vist sig som et alternativ til sprøjtegifte, og over hele Europa forskes der i at udvide området for biologisk bekæmpelse til også at omfatte friland.


The Individual:

J.-L. Hemptinne & A.F.G. Dixon, Biological control of aphids: the effectiveness of ladybird beetles is limited by their foraging behaviour

P.J. Kennedy & N.P. Randall, A semi-field method to assess the effect of dimethoate on the density and mobility of ground beetles (Carabidae)

L. Winstone, E.J.P. Marshall & G.M. Arnold, Movement patterns of Pterostichus cupreus and Nebria brevicollis in habitat patches with different vegetation structures

L. Winder, S.D. Wratten & N. Carter, Spatial heterogeneity and predator searching behaviour - can carabids detect patches of their aphid prey?

The Population:

C.J. Topping, The construction of a simulation model of the population dynamics of Lepthyphantes tenuis (Araneae: Linyphiidae) in an agroecosystem

C.F.G. Thomas, Modelling dispersive spider populations in fragmented farmland

A. Dinter, Density and activity density fluctuations of Oedothorax apicatus (Blackwall) in winter wheat in northern Germany

D. Skirvin, Climate change and aphid-coccinellid population dynamics

P.J.M. Mols, Simulation of population dynamics of woolly apple aphid and its natural enemies

P.J.M. Mols, Simulation of carabid beetle foraging and egg production

D. Stilmant, Th. Hance & Ch. Noel-Lastelle, Discrimination of Belgian Sitobion avenae (f.) populations by means of RAPD-PCR

J.N. Perry, Spatial association for counts of two species

Discussion paper:

C.J. Topping et al.: The use of single-species spatially explicit models

The Community:

N. Holst & P. Ruggle, Modelling natural control of cereal aphids. I. The metabolic pool model, winter wheat, and cereal aphids

M.K. Petersen & N. Holst, Modelling natural control of cereal aphids. II. The carabid Bembidion lampros

J.A. Axelsen, P. Ruggle, N. Holst & S. Toft, Modelling natural control of cereal aphids. III. Linyphiid spiders and coccinellids

P. Ruggle & N. Holst, Modelling natural control of cereal aphids. IV. Aphidiid and aphelinid parasitoids

K. Dromph, N. Holst & J. Eilenberg, Modelling natural control of cereal aphids V. Entomophthoralean fungi

H. Triltsch & D. Rossberg, Cereal aphid predation by the ladybird Coccinella septempunctata L. (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) - Including its simulation in the model GTLAUS

Discussion paper:

K.D. Sunderland et al., Pest control by a community of natural enemies

List of participants

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