Et klassisk kalejdoskop
Redigeret af Anne Marie Carstens Helle Winge Horsnæs Helmer Munch-Andersen Stine Schierup Camilla Sondrup
(bog + e-bog)
Antikken har altid været godt stof - fra Shakespeares Julius Cæsar og Titus Andronicus til Hollywoodfilm som Gladiator og Alexander. Og med god grund:…
329,95 kr. -
The Vikings in the Isle of Man (PB)
198,00 kr. -
Porskjær Mosefund
Jernalderen i Nordeuropa
I forbindelse med våbenofferprojektet Jernalderen i Nordeuropa er det naturligt at offentliggøre det særegne offerfund fra Porskjær. Først og fremmest…
348,00 kr. -
The Tylos Period Burials in Bahrain
Vol. 1, The Glass and Pottery Vessels
348,00 kr. -
The Burial Mounds of Bahrain
Social complexity in Early Dilmun
348,00 kr. -
The Black Sea in Antiquity
Regional and Interregional Economic Exchanges
Redigeret af Vincent Gabrielsen John Lund
398,00 kr. -
Globalisation, Battlefields, and Economics
Three inaugural lectures in archaeology
Redigeret af Helle Vandkilde
(bog + e-bog)
98,00 kr. -
The Archaeology of Medieval Europe, vol. 1, PB
Vol. 1. Eighth to Twelfth Centuries AD
Redigeret af James Graham-Campbell Magdalena Valor
(bog + e-bog)
448,00 kr. -
Culture and change
in Central European Prehistory
(bog + e-bog)
This book is a cohesive overview of Central European prehistory from the introduction of agriculture around 6000 BC to the state-forming processes tha…
278,00 kr. -
Scandinavian Flint
- an Archaeological Perspective
I Skandinavien, som andre steder i verden, var kryptokrystallin sten såsom flint en integreret del af menneskers liv i forhistorisk tid. Viden om…
228,00 kr. -
Proceedings of the Danish Institute of Athens V
Redigeret af Erik Hallager Jesper Tae Jensen
298,00 kr. -
Grauballe Man
An Iron Age Bog Body Revisited
Redigeret af Pauline Asingh Niels Lynnerup
The Grauballe Man, whose sacrificial death was determined to have occurred around 290 BC, is one of the most remarkable bog finds from Denmark's Iron…
350,00 kr.