Rooted in Movement
Aspects of Mobility in Bronze Age Europe
Redigeret af Zsófia Kölcze Heide Wrobel Nørgaard Constanze Rassmann Samantha Reiter
The result of the synergy between four doctoral projects and an advanced MA-level course on Bronze Age Europe, this integrated assemblage of articles…
200,00 kr. -
Aggersborg i vikingetiden
Bebyggelsen og borgen
Redigeret af Else Roesdahl Søren Michael Sindbæk Anne Pedersen
Aggersborg er den største af de monumentale ringborge, som kong Harald Blåtand lod opføre i anden halvdel af 900-årene. Borgen lå med vid udsigt over…
450,00 kr. -
Pottery, Peoples and Places
Study and Interpretation of Late Hellenistic Pottery
Redigeret af Pia Guldager Bilde Mark L. Lawall
(bog + e-bog)
The late Hellenistic period, spanning the 2nd and early 1st centuries BC, was a time of great tumult and violence thanks to nearly incessant warfa…
449,95 kr. -
Arkæologi på havbunden
Historien om udgravningen af en stenalderboplads i Tybrind Vig
(bog + e-bog)
I en menneskealder har entusiastiske fritidsdykkere frivilligt og ulønnet deltaget i undervandsarkæologiske undersøgelser langs de danske kyster i sam…
190,00 kr. -
Failaka/Dilmun. The Second Millennium Settlements. Danish Archaoological Investigations on Failaka, Kuwait
4. The Stone Vessels
298,00 kr. -
Industrial Heritage in Denmark
Landscape, Environments and Historical Archaeology
Redigeret af Caspar Jørgensen Morten Pedersen
(bog + e-bog)
In presenting 25 industrial sites of national significance in the context of changing techno-economic paradigms, this book considers the developme…
299,95 kr. -
KUML 2013
Årbog for Jysk Arkæologisk Selskab
Redigeret af Jesper Laursen Ingrid Nielsen
200,00 kr. -
Making and Breaking the Gods
Christian Responses to Pagan Sculpture in Late Antiquity
(bog + e-bog)
Drawing on both textual and archaeological sources, this book discusses how Christians in Late Antiquity negotiated the sculptural environment of citi…
349,95 kr. -
Klostre i det middelalderlige Danmark
I det middelalderlige Danmark, som også omfattede Skåne, Halland og Blekinge samt Sydslesvig, var der ved Reformationen 116 klostre. Disse klostre sp…
399,95 kr. -
Skelhøj and the Bronze Age barrows of Southern Scandinavia
The Bronze Age barrow tradion and the excavation of Skelhøj
Redigeret af Mads Kähler Holst Marianne Rasmussen
399,95 kr. -
Tybrind Vig
Submerged Mesolithic settlements in Denmark
Publication of an underwater excavation of a significant Western Danish Ertebølle settlement in the Little Belt in Denmark. The volume comprises both…
399,95 kr. -
From Goths to Varangians
Communication and Cultural Exchange Between the Baltic and the Black Sea
Redigeret af Line Bjerg John H. Lind Søren Michael Sindbæk
(bog + e-bog)
In late Antiquity, archaeology demonstrates lively and far-flung exchange along the river Dniester, through current Poland to the Baltic. By the 11th…
499,95 kr.