Aarhus Universitetsforlag


En del af serien Reflections ,

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60 sider
ISBN 978 87 7219 188 1


Oversat af


Mere om bogen

Om bogen

Danes love sharing, caring and communal singing, Auld Lang Syne, 99 bottles of Carlsberg and public welfare for all. This sounds too good to be true – and it is. Like every great fairy tale, the model welfare state has a dark side. Carsten Jensen, tax-funded welfare authority at Aarhus University, reveals its soft underbelly, warts and all. Danes love public welfare services, and many would pay even higher taxes to get more – but only more of the services they use. And those who don’t subscribe to the good life, middle-class style? The answer is blowing in the wind.

Karina Bell Ottosen


Cand.scient. i informationsvidenskab. Karina har ansvar for udvikling af internationalt samarbejde og forlagets tilstedeværelse i udlandet - dvs. for co-publicering, kontakt med distributører, salg af rettigheder og distribution af digitalt materiale. Det samfundsvidenskabelige område og udvikling af serien The Nordic World sorterer også under Karina, der har en fortid som redaktør i Gyldendal Akademisk og på Forlaget Ajour.

Karina Bell Ottosen


Telefon: +45 30 70 11 68


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