Aarhus Universitetsforlag

Translating Nations

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272 sider
ISBN 87 7288 381 2

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Om bogen

Antologien præsenterer den nyeste udvikling inden for postkolonial litteraturhistorie og ser blandt andet nærmere på forholdet mellem centre og margener, historieskrivningens status samt nye måder at anskue nations- og statsdannelser på.


Prem Poddar: Introduction: Violent Civilities

Meena Alexander: An Intimate Violence: Crossing Borders, Making Poems

Graham MacPhee: Europe and Violence: Some Contemporary Reflections on Benjamin's 'Theories of German Fascism'

Neluka Silva: 'Gendering' the Nation: Literary Representations of Contemporary Sri Lankan Politics

Lars Jensen: Territorial Pains or Gains: Writing the Canadian Far North and the Australian Outback

David Johnson: The First Rainbow Nation? The Griqua in Post-Apartheid South Africa

Hans Hauge: South African and Danish Literary History from a Comparative, Personal and an Ethical Point of View

Prem Poddar and Cheralyn Mealor: Danish Imperial Fantasies: Peter Høeg's Miss Smilla's Feeling For Snow

Mahesh Daga: Jati: Translating India

Caroline Bergvall: Performing Writing at the Cross-roads of Languages

Notes on Contributors

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