Romantik 2
En del af fagområderne Kulturhistorie, Kunst og æstetik og Litteratur
Udsolgt fra forlaget
Redigeret af
Karina Lykke Grand,
Lis Møller,
Robert W. Rix og
Anna Lena Sandberg
Med bidrag af
Charles L. Armstrong,
Gry Hedin,
Joep Leerssen,
Dafydd Moore og
Günther Oesterle
Mere om bogen
Om bogen
The articles in this second issue of Romantik: Journal for the Study of Romanticisms demonstrate the crucial role of emergent regionalism and nationalism within the Romantic movement. However, the contributors also explore how the transmission of ideas and inspiration took place across national as well as linguistic boundaries, and how knowledge was transferred from one domain of knowledge to another. The articles provide a new map of such cultural exchanges in the Romantic era and the multiplicity of agencies that made them possible. Romantik continues to locate the plurality of European Romanticisms within a comprehensive and multilingual context.
Notes Toward a Definition of Romantic Nationalism
The Conception of Popularity in the Enlightenment and Romanticism
Recognition and Dissimulation
Seeing the History of the Earth in the Cliffs at Møn
'Too Frivolous to Interest the Public'?
Netop udkommet
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