Rights of Children in the Nordic Welfare States
Conceptual and Empirical Enquiries
En del af fagområderne Filosofi og etik, Idéhistorie, Jura og Pædagogik
Udsolgt fra forlaget
Redigeret af
Gro Hellesdatter Jacobsen
Med bidrag af
Osman Aytar,
Elinor Bruunberg,
Magnus Dahlstedt,
Andreas Fejes,
Gro Hellesdatter Jacobsen,
Susanne Kreitz-Sandberg,
Luise Li Langergaard,
Gabriella Olofsson,
Jeanette Åkerström og
Maria Åsbrink
Mere om bogen
Om bogen
Rights are at stake every time a citizen encounters the welfare state through a welfare institution or through contact with welfare professionals. This anthology scrutinizes how rights are actualized in such meetings, with a special focus on children in the Nordic welfare states. The anthology encompasses conceptual and empirical analyses of rights in welfare states. Rights are discussed both with reference to conventions and as general concepts. Thus the anthology may be worth reading for those interested in the concept of rights as well as for those interested in welfare practices directed at children.
What's Rights got to do with it - Social Rights and Welfare Services
Children's Rights and the Modern Human Rights System
In the Name of Freedom - Governmentality, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and the Will to Activate
Bussing of Ethnic Minority Children - Rights and Duties in Education in a Welfare and Competition State
Implementing the 'Best Interests Principle' in the Nordic Welfare State - A Gap Between Rhetoric and Reality for Children's Rights in the Case of Asylum Seeking Children
The Life of Children in Sheltered Housing
'As an Educator you Have to fix Many Things on Your own' - Teachers' Perspectives on Organizing Inclusion in Various Welfare Contexts
Social Work in a Center for Unaccompanied Children in Sweden - A Child Rights Perspektive
A Model of Participation in School Life
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