Aarhus Universitetsforlag

Rationality and the Study of Religion

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200 sider
ISBN 87 7288 692 7

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Om bogen

Religion og videnskab anses ofte som uforenelige. Hvor videnskab forudsætter rationel argumentation, er religion derimod blevet opfattet som irrationel. I religionsvidenskaben har de videnskabelige krav til rationalitet ofte haft problematiske vilkår. I denne bog fremhæver forfatterne rationalitet som den uomgængelige forudsætning for al videnskabelig udforskning af religion. Videnskabelig rationalitet kan ikke længere forsvares ud fra et positivistisk videnskabssyn, men derfor kan rationalitet stadig begrundes - blot på andre præmisser end de traditionelle.

Bidragene til Rationality and the Study of Religion er hovedsagelig videnskabsteoretisk orienterede. De inddrager teorier og emner fra religionsforskning, kognitive videnskaber, antropologi, sociologi og historieforskning.


Rationality and the Study of Religion: Introduction, Jeppe Sinding Jensen

Anti Anti-Rationalism: Anthropology and the Rationality of Human Acts, Michal Buchowski

Lévy-Bruhl, Participation, and Rationality, Benson Saler

East Asian Rationality in the Exploration of Religion, Michael Pye

Religious Models and Problem Solving: A Cognitive Perspective on the Roles of Rationality in Comparative Religion, Matti Kamppinen

Rationality, Social Science and Religion; Roger Trigg

Social Facts, Metaphysics and Rationality in the Human Sciences, Jeppe Sinding Jensen

Rationality and Evidence: the Study of Religion as a Taxonomy of Human Natural History, Gary Lease

Rationalism and Relativity in History of Religions Research, Luther H. Martin

Rationality in Studying Historical Religions, Hans G. Kippenberg

Dissolving Rationality: The Anti-Science Phenomenon and Its Implications for the Study of Religion, Donald Wiebe

About the Authors
Index of Persons
Index of Subjects

Pressen skrev

"It will function well in the context of a graduate seminar or a course on methodologies and basic issues in the study of religion. Anyone engaging questions of method and theory and concerned about the role of the scholar of religion in the academy will find it informative." Scott S. Elliot Religious Studies Review

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