Aarhus Universitetsforlag

Proceedings of the Danish Institute at Athens IV

En del af serien Proceedings of the Danish Institute at Athens , og fagområdet

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258 sider ill.
ISBN 87 7288 724 9

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Fjerde bind i Det danske Institut i Athens skriftserie, som fremlægger de nyeste resultater af dansk Grækenlands-forskning inden for arkæologi, historie og litteratur.


Alkibiades and the Phaedrus: The Politics of the Appetites, Doug Al-Maini

The Platonic Corpus in Antiquity, Jørgen Mejer

Rock-Cut Tombs iin the Halikarnassos Peninsula, Anne Marie Carstens

Use and Abuse of Athena in Roman Imperial Portraiture: The Case of Julia Domna, Birte Lundgreen

Death in Aetolia: The Hellenistic Graves at Aetolian Chalkis, Jonas Eiring with contributions by Georgia Alexopoulou and Marie-Louise Jørkov

Greek-Danish Excavations in Aetolian Chalkis 1999-2001: Third Preliminary Report, Edited by Søren Dietz, Lazaros Kolonas, Sanne Houby-Nielsen, Ioannis Moschos and Jonas Eiring

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