Aarhus Universitetsforlag

New Age Religion and Globalization

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180 sider 2. oplag
ISBN 87 7288 792 3

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Om bogen

New Age Religion and Globalization er den første bog, som undersøger New Age religiøse bevægelser på baggrund af globalisering. Hvor bogens første del ser nærmere på New Age religiøsitet ud fra et generelt perspektiv, er anden del konkrete gennemgange af forskellige New Age religiøse bevægelsers idegrundlag som f.eks. healing, UFO-myten og gudinde-myten.

"Etter denne anmelderens ringe skjønn fremstår boken som cutting edge innnenfor forskning på New Age og kan trygt anbefales for den som ønsker å skaffe seg et innblikk i hvor feltet står i dag."
Tarjei Rønnow i din, Tidsskrift for Religion og Kultur


Preface Mikael Rothstein

Part I: General Perspective:
1. Prospects for the Globalization of New Age: Spiritual Imperialism Versus Cultural Diversity Wouter J. Hanegraaff
2. Globalization or Westernization? New Age as a Contemporary Transnational Culture Liselotte Frisk
3. Same Message From Everywhere: The Sources of Modern Revelation Olav Hammer
4. After the New Age: Is There a Next Age? Massimo Introvigne

Part II: Particular Cases:
5. Reiki: The International Spread of a New Age Healing Movement J. Gordon Melton
6. Homo Accumulans and the Spiritualization of Money Lisbeth Mikaelsson
7. The Gnostic Myth and the Goddess Myth: Two Contemporary Responses to Questions about Human Identity Ingvild Sælid Gilhus
8. The Myth of the UFO in Global Perspective: A Cognitive Approach Mikael Rothstein
9. 'Going Global from the Inside Out': Spiritual Globalism in the Workplace. Karen Lisa Goldschmidt Salamon

Index of Persons

Pressen skrev

Debra J. Jensen Religious Studies Review

"... well-written and accessible to an undergraduate reader."

Michael York Journal of Contemporary Religion  

"... this book offers a thoroughly engaging series of essays."

Adrian Ivakhiv Novo Religio  

"... it is worthy of the highest recommendation to budding scholars of 'New Age' studies."

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