The Naval Aristocracy of Hellenistic Rhodes
En del af serien Studies in Hellenistic Civilization (6) , og fagområdet Antikforskning
Mere om bogen
Om bogen
Banebrydende værk om det hellenistiske Rhodos, hvor øens økonomiske velstand kædes sammen med eksistensen af et "flådearistokrati".
I The Secrets of Rhodian Success:
The Naval Aristocracy
The Image-Makers
Democratic Institutions
Economic Inequality
II The Naval and Commercial Infrastructure:
Land-based Facilities
Naval Objectives
The Political Infrastructure
Suppliers and the Extension of Power
III Trade and Prosperity:
Amphora Handles and Trade
The Rhodian Entrepôt and its Commercial Partners
Economic Strategies
Credit-Supplying Institutions
IV The Rhodian Navy:
Types of Ships
The Triemiolia
The Rhodian Crews
Organization and Function
Warships and Maritime Trade
The 'First Fruits' of the Sea
V The Local Power Structure:
Adoption and the Demes
Cornerstones of Power I: Public Bodies
Cornerstones of Power II: Associations
Priesthoods, Exclusivity, and Land-hunger
Appendix I:
(a) Adopted Priests of Athana Lindia: Basis of Election
(b) Adoptees with Two Demotics
Appendix II:
The Patrai, Diagoniai, and Ktoinai
Index of Subjects
Index Locorum
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