Living Political Biography
Narrating 20th Century European Lives
Redigeret af
Karen Gram-Skjoldager og
Ann-Christina Lauring Knudsen
Med bidrag af
Anne Deighton,
Mark F. Gilbert,
Karen Gram-Skjoldager,
Christoffer Kølvraa,
Karl Christian Lammers,
Johnny Laursen,
Jan-Henrik Meyer,
Niels Wium Olesen,
Thorsten Borring Olesen,
Birgitte Possing og
Jan van der Harst
Mere om bogen
Om bogen
Historical political biography is a popular genre, capable of reaching a wide audience. It is also a genre closely associated with the modern nation-state. It often recounts the lives of great men in the service of the nation, but is there a way beyond this methodological nationalism?
Living Political Biography revisits biography as a historical and narrative genre. It explores and explicates the new analytical potentials of political biographical research in view of the recent transnational and sociological 'turns' in international and European political history. In doing so, the book attempts to facilitate exhange between scholars of biographical and 20th century European political historical research.
Portraiture and Re-portraiture of the Political Individual
Who's your daddy?
Defensive Personal Leadership and its Unintended Consequences
Bodil Begtrup
A Good European?
Practicing Political Biography
Europe as a Community of Values
Promise or Plague?
The Thread of a Political Life?
E.H. Carr
Netop udkommet
Forlaget skriver:
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