Aarhus Universitetsforlag

Letters from the Governor's Wife

A View of Russian Alaska 1859-1862

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272 sider ill.
ISBN 87 7934 159 4

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Om bogen

Nygifte Anna Furuhjelms breve til sin mor er en bevægende beretning om Annas opdagelse af to nye verdener i sit første år i Alaska som den russiske guvernørs hustru: ægteskabet og den oversøiske russiske koloni. Brevene er samtidig en righoldig kilde til dagliglivet i "Russisk Amerika" kort før salget af Alaska til USA i 1867.

Pressen skrev

Helen S. Hundley The Russian Review

"... these documents ... add to the study of a unique part of the Russioan Empire. Christensen and Peter Ulf Møller provide a useful introduction ... Maps, photographs, and facsimiles facilitate understanding of the letters. An index of names and the bibliography will aid scholars."

Alix O'Grady Alaska History

"...presents a fascinating collection of fifty-two letters written by Anna Furuhjelm telleing about social conditions in Russian America's furtrading capital of Sitka  Historians and interested readers will welcome this unique treasure-trove of information, which reveals the writer's joy and sorrows, her loneliness and fears, together with her nineteenth century attitudes, prejudices and her rigid Protestant faith...The editor should be recommended for retaining the authenticity of the original text...The book is impressive in its details which add considerably to our perceptions of the Zeitgeist..."


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