Foundation and Destruction Nikopolis and Northwestern Greece
The archaeological evidence for the city destructions, the foundation of Nikopolis and the synoecism
En del af serien Monographs of the Danish Institute at Athens (3) , og fagområdet Antikforskning
Redigeret af
Jacob Isager
Med bidrag af
Anthi Angeli,
Neritan Ceka,
Klaus Freitag,
Peter Funke,
Konstantina Gravani,
Sanne Houby-Nielsen,
Jacob Isager,
Vivi Karatzeni,
Ioulia Katsadima,
Franziska Lang,
Melissa G. Moore,
Giorgia Pliakou,
Ernst-Ludwig Schwandner,
Carol A. Stein,
Chryseis Tzouvara-Souli,
James R. Wiseman og
Konstantinos Zachos
Mere om bogen
Om bogen
Med sejren over Marcus Antonius i 31 f.Kr. blev Octavian kejser over romerne og tog sig et nyt navn, Augustus, som vi måske bedre kender. Efter sejren grundlagde han byen Nikopolis lidt nord for stedet for sin sejr. Denne by blev hovedstad for hele kystregionen, men blev siden forladt.
De 16 artikler i Foundation and Destruction beskriver forskellige aspekter af Nikopolis' historie og arkæologi samt landskabsundersøgelser i området op til Nikopolis.
IntroductionEremia in Epirus and the Foundation of Nicopolis. Models of Civilization in Strabo
Excavations at the Actian Tropaeum at Nikopolis. A Preliminary Report
Landscape Archaeology in the Territory of Nicopolis
In the Shadow of Nikopolis: Patterns of Settlement on the Ayios Thomas Peninsula
Roman and Late Antique Pottery of Southern Epirus - Some Results of the Nikopolis Survey Project
Riza and Agia Pelagia
Two Architectural Assemblages of the Roman Era along the Coast of Southern Epirus
Kassope, the City in whose Territory Nikopolis was Founded
Archaeological Evidence from Cassope. The Local Workshops of Mould-Made Bowls
Leukas in the Roman Period
Epirus in the Roman Period
Die Umwandlung Butrints von einem Koinonszentrum zu einer römischen Kolonie
Acheloos' Homeland. New Historical-Archaeological Research on the Ancient Polis Stratos
The Dimensions of Material Topography
Some News about Inscriptions from Northwestern Greece. Preliminary Remarks on the Recent Epigraphical Work in the Museums of Thyrion and Agrinion
The Cults of Apollo in Northwestern Greece
Sacred Landscapes of Aetolia and Achaia: Synoecism Processes and Non-Urban Sanctuaries
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