Aarhus Universitetsforlag

Fins de Siècle/New Beginnings

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256 sider
ISBN 87 7288 382 0

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Om bogen

Århundrede- og årtusindskifter har en særlig, næsten magisk, tiltrækning på os, men den betydning, man har tillagt disse "overgange" har ikke altid været den samme. I Fins de Siècle beskæftiger forfatterne sig med disse "betydninger", og også med diskussionen om, præcis hvornår skiftet sker.


Introduction, Ib Johansen

Part One. AD 1000:
Anglo-Saxon and Scandinavian Attitudes to 999/1000 AD, Richard North

Part Two. The 1890s:
Fictional Constructions of Female Vampirism in the Nineteenth-Century Fin-de-Siècle Crisis of Masculinity and Its Modernist Aftermath: Bram Stoker
Joseph Conrad, D.H. Lawrence, Per Serritslev Petersen
Root Music: Occult Notions of Identity in W.B. Yeats and Contemporary Social Criticism in Ireland, Michael Böss
Salomé and the fin du globe: Oscar Wilde's Decadent Tragedy, Robert Rix

Part Three. 1890s/1990s:
American Specters: Two Versions of Ghostliness in American fin-de-siècle Culture, Ib Johansen

Part Four. Approaching 2000 in Literature:
The Apocalyptic Predicament: Timothy Findley's Predetermined Novel, Norman Ravvin
Feminist Aesthetics at the Threshold of the New Millenium: The Questioning of "Feminine Essentialism" from Emily Dickinson to Julia Kristeva, Sylvia Mikkelsen

Part Five. The 1990s/2000. Interdisciplinary Approaches:
In the Meantime: Nation in New Labour's Millennium Countdown, Cheralyn Mealor
Globalization - A Catch-all Concept for the End of the Millennium, Jan Ifversen
Fear Amidst Plenty: The Duality of Economic Optimism at the Close of the 20th Century, Jamsheed Shorish
Linguistic, Mental and Biological Laws, Anjum P. Saleemi

Part Six. The 1990s/2000. Ends, Idiocy, Beginnings:
No Ground to Stand On, Graeme Thomson

Notes on Contributors

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