Fifty Years of Arctic Research
Anthropological Studies From Greenland to Siberia
En del af serien Publications of the National Museum Ethnographical Series (18) , og fagområdet Arktiske studier
Udsolgt fra forlaget
Redigeret af
R. Gilberg og
Hans Christian Gulløv
Med bidrag af
Claus Andreasen,
Martin Appelt,
Jette Arneborg,
Anne Bahnson,
Hans-Georg Bandi,
Joel Berglund,
Edmund Carpenter,
Klaus Ferdinand,
William W. Fitzhugh,
R. Gilberg,
Bjarne Grønnow,
Hans Christian Gulløv,
Jens Peder Hart Hansen,
Keld Hansen,
Elmer Harp Jr.,
Hans Kapel,
Susan A. Kaplan,
Inge Kleivan,
Frederica de Laguna,
William S. Laughlin,
Moreau S. Maxwell,
Robert McGhee,
Jørgen Meldgaard,
Morten Meldgaard,
Tinna Møbjerg,
Jeppe Møhl,
Hansjürgen Müller-Beck,
Robert Petersen,
Patrick Plumet,
Joëlle Robert-Lamblin,
Graham Rowley,
Susan Rowley,
Helge Schultz-Lorentzen,
Patricia D. Sutherland og
George Swinton
Mere om bogen
Gilberg & Gulløv: Introduction
Klaus Ferdinand: Dreams which were not Realized - Together
Jørgen Meldgaard: Selected Bibliography
Claus Andreasen: Independence II in North East Greenland: Some New Aspects
Martin Appelt: Construction of an Archaeological "Culture". Similarities and differences in early Paleo-Eskimo Cultures of Greenland
Jette Arneborg: Cultural Borders: Reflections on Norse-Eskimo Interaction
Anne Bahnson: Ancient Skin Clothing passing through Copenhagen
Hans-Georg Bandi: Arctic Prelude 1948: A Summer Full of Experience in North East Greenland
Joel Berglund: Two Dogs and a Dragon
Edmund Carpenter: 19th Century Aivilik Iglulik Drawings
Frederica de Laguna: The Fate of Krueger's Expedition
William W. Fitzhugh: Searching for the Grail: Virtual Archaeology in Yamal and Circumpolar Theory
Bjarne Grønnow: The Saqqaq Harpoon: An analysis of Early Paleo-Eskimo Harpoon Heads from Qeqertasussuk, West Greenland
Hans Christian Gulløv: The Soul of Prey
Jens Peder Hart Hansen: Repatriation of Ancient Human Remains: Recent cases from the Arctic Region
Keld Hansen: Jigs from Greenland
Elmer Harp Jr.: Pioneer Settlements of the Belcher Island, N.W.T.
Hans Kapel: He who opens an Old Grave makes a Storm. Preservation activities in Greenland seen in a historian Perspective
Susan A. Kaplan: Developments on Labrado Inuit Archaeology Research
Inge Kleivan: Poetry, Politics, and Archaeology in Greenland
William S. Laughlin: Danish Arctic Scholarship with a Foreign Accent
Moreau S. Maxwell: The Canadian Arctic in Transition: Pre-Dorset to Dorset
Robert McGhee: Meeting Between Dorset Culture Palaeo-Eskimos and Thule Culture Inuit: Evidence from Brooman Point
Morten Meldgaard: Sisikasiit: The Place with the Fox Holes
Hansjürgen Müller-Beck: A Heavy Duty Chopping Tool from a Birnirk House in Ekven, Chukotka
Tinna Møbjerg: New Aspects of the Saqqaq Culture in West Greenland
Jeppe Møhl: Greenland - A Quaternary Zoological View
Robert Petersen: On 'Smell of forest' in Greenlandic Myths and Legends
Patrick Plumet: L'Importance Archéologique de la Région de Kangirsujuaq au Nunavik (Arctique Québécois): Un centre chamanique dorsétien?
Joëlle Robert-Lamblin: Death in traditional East Greenland: Age, causes and rituals. A contribution from anthropology to archaeology
Graham Rowley & Susan Rowley: Igloolik Island Before and After Jørgen Meldgaard
Helge Schultz-Lorentzen: Greenland and The National Museum of Denmark - The National Museum of Denmark and Greenland: Fragments of a piece of Museum History
Patricia Sutherland: The Variety of Artistic Expression in Dorset Culture; George Swinton: Who Makes Inuit Art? Confessions by a para-anthropologist
Edmund Carpenter: Arctic Witnesses
Joint Bibliography
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