Aarhus Universitetsforlag

Exploring Text and Emotions

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451 sider
ISBN 978 87 7934 558 4

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Exploring Text and Emotions investigates the functions, values and effects of emotions in literature and the arts, fostering the affective turn in textual theory and analysis.

Fifteen essays on various art works analyse how modern fiction, drama, theatre, poetry and film, as well as Greek tragedy, succeed in both expressing and suggesting a vast and nuanced array of emotions while provoking affective responses in readers and spectators. The volume focuses on the exemplary way in which literature and the arts act upon our minds and have a strong impact on our understanding of aesthetic, political and moral values, challenging, shaping and transforming culture. The volume also intends to show how seminal writers and works have anticipated contemporary theories of emotions and can contribute to their growth.

Linking formal, aesthetic and cultural-studies approaches, and combining the latest developments in the affective sciences with the close reading of texts, the volume puts forward a new direction for the study of literature, arts, media and culture.




Stendahl and Hazlitt's Theories of Emotion

Emotion and Forgiveness in Literature

TeXt; Action; Space; Emotion in Conrad's Nostromo

Topography, Sense and Emotion: The Alterity of Textual Action in Jon Fosse

Spatial Affects: Body and Space in Philippe Grandrieux's La Vie nouvelle

Appraisal Theory and the Emotions Eleos and Phobos: A Contribution of Current Emotion Theory to the Interpretation of Greek Tragedy

A World of Emotions - Mediality in the Works of Pierre Alferi


Portrait of a Lady: Painting Emotion in Jean-Luc Godard's Vivre sa vie

The Economy of Emotions: Sympathy and Sentimentality in Victorian Culture

Emotional Turbulence on a Floating Stage in Melville's "Benito Cereno"

Emotion, Knowledge, Alterity: Aesthetic Experience in Proust

Emotional Mapping in Jean Rhys' Good Morning, Midnight

A Political and Emotional Experience of Aesthetic Transcendence in Marguerite Duras' Film/Text India Song

"Labour of Love": The Emotional Turn in R.M. Rilke's Die Aufzeichnungen des Malte Laurids Brigge 

An Absence of Character: Subjectivity and Emotions in Martin Crimp




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