Excavating the Mind
Udsolgt fra forlaget
Redigeret af
Helle Juel Jensen,
Mads D. Jessen og
Niels Johannsen
Med bidrag af
Chris Gosden,
Mads Kähler Holst,
Niels Johannsen,
Janet Dixon Keller,
Annette Kjølby,
Carl Knappett,
Lambros Malafouris,
Kostalena Michelaki,
Deborah Olausson,
Robert W. Preucel,
Marianne Rasmussen,
John Robb,
David A. Warburton og
Svend Østergaard
Mere om bogen
Debating the mind
Imitation, mirror neurons and material culture
Boxes or creepers? Containments and entanglements of mind and matter
On Being More-Than-One and Doubts About Mind
Linear B as Distributed Cognition. Excavating a Mind not Limited by the Skin
Cultural practice, material reference and the generation of meaning
Meaning in miniature. Semiotic networks in material culture
Of God Stones and Dance Plazas. The Material Meditation of Historical Consciousness
The Hall and the Church during Christianization. Building ideologies and material concepts
In small things remembered. Pottery decoration in Neolithic Southern Italy
Colourful Meaning. Terminology, Abstraction and the Near Eastern Bronze Age
Agency, technology and society
Making daggers and scouting for talents. Situated learning in Late Neolithic Scandinavia
Decision-making and Structuration. A study of minds behind private statues in New Kingdom Egyptian temples
Combined efforts. The cooperation and coordination of barrow-building in the Bronze Age
Literacy. A Tool of Modernity and Community in Vanuatu
Archaeology and the Inanimate Agency Proposition. A critique and a suggestion
Netop udkommet
Forlaget skriver:
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