Aarhus Universitetsforlag

Equality in the Nordic World

En del af serien The Nordic World (1) , og fagområdet

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98 sider
ISBN 978 87 7219 326 7



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Om bogen

By most measures, the Nordic countries regularly rank among the best in terms of equality and business friendliness. Political scientist Carsten Jensen delves into what is exceptional about equality in the region, and outlines “the four equalities” that set it apart: economic, inter-generational, gender, and health.

The four types of equality have their origins in unique political compromises made in the twentieth century. The resulting social market economies of these countries affect their growth and levels of equality even today.

Listen to Carsten Jensen tell about Equality in Aarhus University Press' podcast series The Nordic World.

The podcast is produced by Videnslyd from Aarhus University Press.

Karina Bell Ottosen


Cand.scient. i informationsvidenskab. Karina har ansvar for det samfundsvidenskabelige område og særligt udvikling af serierne The Nordic World og Magtudredningen 2.0. Hun er forlagets rettighedsansvarlige og har stået i spidsen for at udvikle forlagets internationale profil, herunder co-publicering med amerikanske og engelske universitetsforlag. Karina har en fortid som redaktør i Gyldendal Akademisk og på Forlaget Ajour.

Karina Bell Ottosen


Telefon: +45 30 70 11 68


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