Aarhus Universitetsforlag

Economic Performance in the Nordic World

En del af serien The Nordic World (3) , og fagområderne og

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108 sider
ISBN 978 87 7219 327 4



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The Nordic model rests on two pillars: the social safety net and the provision of services like education, childcare, and healthcare for all. It can also be characterized as an “employment model,” since its financial viability depends upon a high labor participation rate with very few working poor.

Economist Torben M. Andersen lays out the model’s structure and highlights factors important for understanding its economic performance. He then looks into specific policy areas based on Denmark’s experiences and addresses the challenges arising from new technologies and globalization.

Listen to Torben M. Andersen tell about Economic Performance in Aarhus University Press' podcast series The Nordic World.

The podcast is produced by Videnslyd from Aarhus University Press.

Karina Bell Ottosen


Cand.scient. i informationsvidenskab. Karina har ansvar for udvikling af internationalt samarbejde og forlagets tilstedeværelse i udlandet - dvs. for co-publicering, kontakt med distributører, salg af rettigheder og distribution af digitalt materiale. Det samfundsvidenskabelige område og udvikling af serien The Nordic World sorterer også under Karina, der har en fortid som redaktør i Gyldendal Akademisk og på Forlaget Ajour.

Karina Bell Ottosen


Telefon: +45 30 70 11 68


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