Aarhus Universitetsforlag

Consensual Policy-Making in the Nordic World

En del af serien The Nordic World (7) , og fagområdet

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115 sider
ISBN 978 87 7597 004 9



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This book examines consensual policy-making in the Scandinavian countries and shows how strong relations were built between the state and different interest groups in the early twentieth century. The preconditions for these relations are strong civil societies, strong unitary states, and high levels of trust.

Consensual policies nevertheless come at a price, and since the 1970s all of the Scandinavian countries have loosened their corporatist structures to pave the way for reforms.

Peter Munk Christiansen is a professor of political science at Aarhus University. Besides his scientific work he has been actively involved in national research funding and a member of several committees on political and administrative issues.

Karina Bell Ottosen


Cand.scient. i informationsvidenskab. Karina har ansvar for udvikling af internationalt samarbejde og forlagets tilstedeværelse i udlandet - dvs. for co-publicering, kontakt med distributører, salg af rettigheder og distribution af digitalt materiale. Det samfundsvidenskabelige område og udvikling af serien The Nordic World sorterer også under Karina, der har en fortid som redaktør i Gyldendal Akademisk og på Forlaget Ajour.

Karina Bell Ottosen


Telefon: +45 30 70 11 68


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