Aarhus Universitetsforlag

The Barbar Temples

En del af serien Jysk Arkæologisk Selskabs Skrifter (48; the Carlsberg Foundation's Gulf Project) , og fagområdet

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429 sider ill., 2 bd.
ISBN 87 88415 27 9


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Om bogen

Fra 1954-1961 blev templerne ved Barbar, på øen Bahrain den Persiske Golf, udgravet af danske arkæologer. Templerne stammer fra omkring 2000 f.Kr. En hel del spektakulære fund blev gjort her: alabaster krukker, et menneskeformet spejl-håndtag af kobber; og det mest kendte fund, et tyrehoved af kobber.

Bogen fremlægger resultaterne af disse udgravninger og kommer med bud på, hvilken guddom man tilbad i templet.


Volume 1
1. Introduction, by H.H.A.
2. Stratigraphy, by H.H.A.
3. Temple I, by H.H.A.
4. Temple II. The Central Platform, by H.H.A.
5. Temple II. The Oval Platform, by H.H.A.
6. Temple II. The Pool, by H.H.A.
7. Temple II. The Eastern Court, by H.H.A.
8. Temple III, by H.H.A.
9. Islamic Masonry, by H.H.A.
10. The Northeast Temple, by H.H.A.
11. Pottery and the Dating of the Temple Phases, by F.H.
12. Copper and Copper Working, by F.H.
13. Alabaster and Calcite Vessels, by M. Casanova
14. Stamp Seals and Seal Impressions, by P. Kjærum
15. Sasanian and Islamic Pottery, by S. F. Andersen and D. Kennet
16. Parthian-Sasanian Sculpture
17. Other Finds, by F.H.
18. Conclusions, by F.H.

Volume 2
Appendix 1. Animal Bones, by P. Bangsgaard
Appendix 2. Analysis of Wood, by M. Tengberg
Appendix 3. Metal Analyses, by E. Sangmeister
Appendix 4. Metal Analyses, by D.L. Heskel
Appendix 5. The Well at Umm as-Sujur, by H.H.A. and F.H.
Appendix 6. Phallic Cult-Stones from the Barbar-Temple Period, by H.H.A.
Appendix 7. Bibliography and Abbreviations
Appendix 8. Sections and Plans

Pressen skrev

Mark W. Chavalas, NEASB

"The excavators are to be congratulaed for their efforts in producing these handsome and insightful volumes."

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