Activity Theory and Social Practice
Cultural Historical Approaches
Udsolgt fra forlaget
Redigeret af
Seth Chaiklin,
Mariane Hedegaard og
Uffe Juul Jensen
Med bidrag af
Amelia Álvarez,
Jerome Bruner,
Vasily V. Davydov,
Ritva Engeström,
Yrjö Engeström,
Bernd Fichtner,
Mariane Hedegaard,
Uffe Juul Jensen,
Vera John-Steiner,
Vladislav A. Lektorsky,
Martha C. Nussbaum,
Fernando L. González Rey,
Vitaly V. Rubtsov,
Pablo del Río,
Anna P. Stetsenko,
Ethel Tobach,
Peeter Tulviste,
Terence Turner,
Ghita Vygotskaya og
Tarja Vähäaho
Mere om bogen
Om bogen
Virksomhedsteorien er oprindelig udsprunget af en rent psykologisk tradition, nemlig med det arbejde som Lev S. Vygotsky og hans kolleger startede i 1920'erne. Senere har forskningen udviklet sig mod en øget tværfaglighed med fokus på det kulturhistoriske aspekt.
Activity Theory and Social Practice indeholder 17 bidrag fra en række fremtrædende psykologer, antropologer og filosoffer. Disse bidrag strækker sig over teoretiske analyser fra førende forskere inden for den kulturhistoriske tradition, som Vasily Davydovn Peeter Tulviste og Vladislav Lektorsky, og til rapporter fra empiriske undersøgelser inden for emner som kulturel identitet, samarbejde på arbejdspladsen og undervisning af etniske minoriteter.
List of Figures
1. Activity Theory and Social Practice: An Introduction, Mariane Hedegaard, Seth Chaiklin, and Uffe Juul Jensen
Human Activity and Social Practice
2. On Vygotsky's Research and Life, Ghita Vygotskaya
3. A New Approach to the Interpretation of Activity Structure and Content, Vasily V. Davydov
4. Activity Revisited as an Explanatory Principle and as an Object of Study - Old Limits and New Perspectives, Bernd Fichtner
5. Activity as an Explanatory Principle in Cultural Psychology, Peeter Tulviste
Philosophical Investigations of Activity and Social Practice
6. Categories in Activity Theory: Marx's Philosophy Just-in-time, Uffe Juul Jensen
7. Historical Change of the Notion of Activity: Philosophical Presuppositions, Vladislav A. Lektorsky
8. Activism, Activity and the New Cultural Politics: An Anthropological Perspective, Terence Turner
9. Evolution, Genetics and Psychology: The Crisis in Psychology. Vygotsky, Luria and Leontiev Revisited, Ethel Tobach
Gendered Social Practice
10. Public Philosophy and International Feminism, Martha C. Nussbaum
11. Sociocultural and Feminist Theory: Mutuality and Relevance, Vera John-Steiner
Cultural-Historical Approaches to Development and Personality
12. Infancy and Culture: A Story, Jerome Bruner
13. Social Interaction, Cultural Tools and the Zone of Proximal Development: In Search of a Synthesis, Anna P. Stetsenko
14. Personality, Subject and Human Development: The Subjective Character of Human Activity, Fernando L. González Rey
Institutions and Organizations as Mediators Between Subject and Society
15. Institutional Practices, Cultural Positions, and Personal Motives: Immigrant Turkish Parents' Conceptions about their Children's School Life, Mariane Hedegaard
16. Cultural Mind and Cultural Identity: Projects for Life in Body and Spirit, Amelia Álvarez and Pablo del Rio
17. Recent Trends in the Development of Education in Russia and the Role of Activity Theory for Schooling, Vitaly V. Rubtsov
18. When the Center Does Not Hold: The Importance of Knotworking, Yrjö Engeström, Ritva Engeström, and Tarja Vähäaho
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