Dagfinn Skre
Northern Emporium
Vol. 2 The networks of Viking-age Ribe
Redigeret af Søren M. Sindbæk
(bog + e-bog)
This is the second and final volume presenting the results of the Northern Emporium research project and the high-definition excavations carried out w…
499,00 kr. -
Things from the Town
Artefacts and Inhabitants in Viking-age Kaupang
Redigeret af Dagfinn Skre
(bog + e-bog)
499,95 kr. -
Silver Economies, Monetisation and Society in Scandinavia AD 800-1100
Redigeret af James Graham-Campbell Søren Michael Sindbæk Gareth Williams
The Viking Age was a period of great economic complexity and experimentation in Scandinavia. By the end of the period, an ancient 'display' economy,…
399,95 kr. -
Means of Exchange
Dealing with Silver in the Viking Age
Redigeret af Dagfinn Skre
(bog + e-bog)
438,00 kr. -
Kaupang in Skiringssal
Redigeret af Dagfinn Skre
(bog + e-bog)
525,00 kr. -
Settlement and Landscape
Redigeret af Charlotte Fabech Jytte Ringtved
Bogen ser på nordvesteuropæiske bebyggelser og deres landskaber gennem 4.000 år fra yngre stenalder til middelalder. Bogen viser, at en moderne bebygg…
348,00 kr.