Hama on the Rebel River
A Syrian Town in the 1930s through the Eyes of Danish Archaeologists
(bog + e-bog)
The Danish Archaeological Expedition to Hama in Syria in the 1930s discovered an ancient town lived in for thousands of years. Members of the Expediti…
199,95 kr. -
Tall al-Fukhãr
Results from Excavations in 1990-93 and 2002
Redigeret af John Strange
Recent excavations on the border between Jordan and Syria have uncovered ancient building ruins that provide interesting materials revealing the domes…
499,95 kr. -
Mount Nebo. An Archaeological Survey of the Region
Vol. I. The Palaeolithic and the Neolithic Periods
During six seasons (1992-1998) an intensive survey of the Mount Nebo region was accomplished under the auspices of the Franciscan Archaeological Insti…
249,95 kr. -
Mobile Bodies, Mobile Souls
Family, Religion and Migration in a Global World
Redigeret af Karen Fog Olwig Mikkel Rytter
(bog + e-bog)
Mobile Bodies, Mobile Souls engages the complex relationship between family, religion and migration. Following '9/11' much research on migrants in wes…
269,95 kr. -
Ottoman Modernity and Urban Transformation (1808-1918), Vol. 1 & 2
Damaskus var et af de vigtigste centre i den klassiske muslimske verden og hovedstad i det osmanniske Syrien. Byen gennemgik i det 19. årh. i kølvand…
1.500,00 kr. -
In search of the True Political Position of the 'Ulama
An analysis of the Aims and Perspectives of the Chronicles of Abd al-Rahman al-Jabarti (1753-1825)
Den egyptiske historiker Abd al-Rahman al-Jabartis skrifter er de væsentligste arabisk-sprogede kilder, vi har i dag, om forholdene i Egypten omkring…
378,00 kr. -
Bayt al-'Aqqad
The History and Restoration of a House in Old Damascus
Redigeret af Peder Mortensen
Da Det Danske Institut i Damaskus overtog Aqqad-huset i 1997 havde det stået ubeboet i 50 år. Det var i en ynkelig forfatning med nedfaldne loft…
498,00 kr. -
Youth and Youth Culture in the Contemporary Middle East
Redigeret af Jørgen Bæk Simonsen
(bog + e-bog)
198,00 kr. -
Hama and Jabla
Watercolours 1931-1961 by the Danish architect Ejnar Fugmann
Ejnar Fugmann var arkitekt for to danske udgravninger i Syrien i 1931-38 (Hama) og i 1958-61. Fugmann brugte det meste af sin fritid på at male akvare…
198,00 kr. -
Middle Eastern Cities 1900-1950
Public Places and Public Spheres in Transformation
Redigeret af Hans Chr. Korsholm Nielsen Jakob Skovgaard-Petersen
Byerne i Mellemøsten gennemgik i starten af det 20. århundrede dramatiske ændringer, nye offentlige bygninger og rum dukkede op, og i kølvandet på dem…
298,00 kr.