Time's Up! Dating the Minoan eruption of Santorini
Acts of the Minoan Eruption Chronology Workshop, Sandbjerg November 2007
En del af serien Monographs of the Danish Institute at Athens (10) , og fagområderne Antikforskning, Arkæologi, Arkæologi (generel), Arkæologi (klassisk), Arkæologi (nærorientalsk), Historie (antik) og Naturvidenskab
Mere om bogen
9 Scientific & technical organizing committee
10 List of contributors
13 Editor's preface
David A. Warburton
15 Bibliography
53 General introduction
David A. Warburton
56 The Minoan eruption of Santorini radiocarbon dated to
1613 +/- 13 BC
Walter L. Friedrich & Jan Heinemeier
65 Part I: Evidence, geology, archaeology & chronology
67 Volcanic chronology of Santorini
Alexander R. McBirney
73 The eruption within the debate about the date
Floyd W. McCoy
91 The effects of the Minoan eruption
Walter L. Friedrich & Nikolaos Sigalas
101 Evidence from Pseira for the Santorini eruption
Philip P. Betancourt
107 The impact of the Minoan eruption of Santorini on Mochlos
Jeffrey S. Soles
117 Papadiokambos: new evidence for the impact of the
Theran eruption
Thomas M. Brogan & Chrysa Sofianou
125 The basis for the Egyptian dates
Rolf Krauss & David A. Warburton
145 How uncertain is Mesopotamian chronology?
Hermann hunger
153 Part II: Debate: typology, chronology, methodology
154 Thera, Hatshepsut, and the Keftiu: crisis and response
J. Alexander MacGillivray
171 The Thera eruption and Egypt: pumice, texts and
Karen Polinger Foster, Johannes H. Sterba, Georg
Steinhauser & Max Bichler
181 The date of the Late Bronze Age eruption of Santorini
Peter Warren
187 Aegean-Egyptian synchronisms and radiocarbon chronology
Felix Höflmayer
197 The state of the debate about the date of the Theran
Malcolm H. Wiener
207 Beyond the Santorini eruption
Sturt W. Manning
227 The dating of the earlier Late Minoan IA period
Sturt W. Manning & Christopher Bronk Ramsey
247 Chronological conundrums: Cypriot and Levantine imports
from Thera
Robert Merrillees
253 The chronology of Tell el-Ajjul, Gaza
Peter M. Fischer
267 An update on the chronological value of Minoica in the
Levant and Cyprus
Annette Højen Sørensen
275 14C and 10Be around 1650 cal BC
Raimund Muscheler
285 The Minoan eruption of Santorini radiocarbon dated
Jan Heinemeier, Walter L. Friedrich, Bernd Kromer &
Christopher Bronk Ramsey
295 Epilogue
David A. Warburton
Netop udkommet
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