Aarhus Universitetsforlag

Smakkerup Huse

A Late Mesolithic Coastal Site in Northwest Zealand, Denmark

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288 sider ill.
ISBN 87 7288 959 4

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Om bogen

Her fremlægges for første gang de arkæologiske resultater fra de dansk-amerikanske udgravninger i årene 1989 og 1995-97 ved Smakkerup Huse i nærheden af Kalundborg.   Bopladsen ved Smakkerup Huse stammer fra ældre stenalder, som traditionelt er blevet anset for at være en periode med kulturel tilbagegang i Nordeuropa. Det var først, da de mere oplyste landsbyboere fra yngre stenalder dukkede op på scenen og efterlod sig tegn på landbrug, at tilbagegangen blev vendt.   De sidste 30 års arkæologiske fund har dog fået forskerne til at se på den ældre stenalders jæger-samlere som langt mere komplekse kystboere, der gav perioden fornyelse, og som dygtigt tilpassede sig et hastigt skiftende miljø. Fundene fra udgravningerne ved Smakkerup Huse er med til at tegne dette anderledes billede. På udgravningsstederne har man bl.a. fundet en anløbshavn for stammebåde og knogler fra det måske ældste kendte tamkvæg i Danmark, hvilket vidner om en gradvis overgang til agerbrug. Et af de allervigtigste fund er en lille bemalet sten, som muligvis forestiller en skildpadde. Mønstret på stenen er gengivet på forsiden. Bogen indeholder også et resumé på dansk.

Pressen skrev

Peter Bogucki  Princeton University, Journal of Field Archaeology

"I am pleased to report that Smakkerup Huse [...] runs against recent trends and is a classic site report in the tradition of archaeology's Golden Age. It is clearly written and well-illustrated to give the reader a full picture of the goals, methods, and results of an excavation project carried out over 18 weeks in 1989, 1995, and 1997 on a late Mesolithic site dating between 5000 and 3800 B.C.

It also provides a thorough discussion of the cultural context of the research and a concise review of knowledge about the Ertebølle culture...I am pleased to add Smakkerup Huse [...] to my library, and I also recommend it as a model of a site report for its organization, clarity, and economy of prose. The data reported in this volume provide an important benchmark for the comparison of the many late Mesolithic sites that will be excavated in the southern Baltic and the Danish Islands during the next several decades."

David Tomalin  HWTMA The International Journal of Nautical Archaeology

"This fine report demonstrates that public interest in past human habitation on Europe's changing coastline may be ahead of the game. Where this report reminds us that Denmark has some 50 local museums with qualified archaeologists on their staff, it appears that here is a European state in which an amalgam of professionals and local participants are leading the way. Elsewhere, it is often a very modest body of archaeologists that has turned attention to this new and uncertain boundary. Attractively presented and very reasonably priced, Smakkerup Huse offers us much more than a formal site report; it is a source of inspiration to all who are moved to meet the challenge of an advancing frontier."





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