Prehistoric and Medieval Direct Iron Smelting in Scandinavia and Europe
Aspects of Technology and Science
En del af fagområdet Arkæologi
Udsolgt fra forlaget
Redigeret af
Lars Christian Nørbach
Med bidrag af
Niels Abrahamsen,
Michel Arnold,
Thomas Beier,
Alain Bouthier,
Vagn Fabritius Buchwald,
Maria Elena Cortese,
Peter Crew,
Mattias Karlsson Dinnetz,
Arne Espelund,
Vanessa Fell,
Philip Fluzin,
Evelyn G. Godfrey,
Lena Grandin,
Sidsel Grundvig,
Eva Hjärthner-Holdar,
Bo Holm Jacobsen,
Ingo Keesman,
Hans Ludvig Knau,
Uwe Koppelt,
Andreas Kronz,
Philip de Lasson,
Henriette Lyngstrøm,
Cécile Mahe-le Carlier,
Eimutis Matulionis,
J.G. McDonnell,
L'ubomír Mihok,
Peter Hambro Mikkelsen,
Lars Erik Narmo,
Jonas Navasaitis,
Frank Nikulka,
Elzbieta Maria Nosek,
Lars Christian Nørbach,
Jüri Peets,
Radomir Pleiner,
Alain Ploquin,
Alena Pribolová,
Christina Risberg,
Vasco la Salvia,
Irene Schrüfer-Kolb,
Algirdas Selskis,
Tatyana Smekalova,
Vera Souchopova,
Ines Spazier,
Lars F. Stenvik,
Aušra Sveikauskaite,
Manfred Sönneken,
Henrik Thrane,
Constanza Cucini Tizzoni,
Marco Tizzoni,
Allan Vizcaino og
Olfert Voss
Mere om bogen
Om bogen
Selv om jernalderen i Nordeuropa varede 2000 år, er de "gyldne år" inden for studiet af jernalderens produktionssteder ved at nærme sig deres afslutning efter knap 40 år. Professionelle udgravninger blev ikke sat i gang før i 1960'erne, og det moderne landbrugs pløjemetoder ødelægger flere og flere af de arkæologiske spor, eftersom de fleste uudgravede steder ligger i de øverste jordlag.
Med denne bog præsenteres et omfattende vue over jernalderforskningen i både Øst- og Vesteuropa.
Bogens første del fokuserer på jernproduktion og bebyggelser og ser også nærmere på de fund, som kan fortælle os noget om jernalderens sociale strukturer og landbrugsproduktion.
Regionale studier ligger i naturlig forlængelse af denne fokus på den "lokale" bebyggelse, og bogens anden del indeholder flere eksempler på sådanne studier.
Metallografiske studier er en væsentlig disciplin inden for studiet af jernproduktion, og bidragene, som omhandler dette område, er delt op i en "lokal" og en regional del.
Sidste del i bogen indeholder artikler om magnetometermålinger. Prehistoric and Medieval Direct Iron Smelting in Scandinavia and Europe vil særligt appellere til læsere, som er interesserede i jernalderen, europæisk arkæologi eller metallurgiens historie.
1. Editor's Foreword and STATUTS de l'Union Internationale des Sciences préhistoriques et protohistoriques, By Lars Nørbach
2. Radomir Pleiner CV, By Vera Souchopova
3. Opening Lecture, By Henrik Thrane
I. Iron Production and Settlement:
4. Farmers, Smelters and Smiths, By Henriette Lyngstrøm
5. Relations Between Settlement Pattern, Social Structure and Medieval Iron Production, By Lars Erik Narmo
6. Early Iron Production in the Red Earth Area, South Central Sweden, By Lena Grandin & Eva Hjärthner-Holdar
7. The Germanic Iron-Smelting Complex at Wolkenberg in Lower Lausacia, Southern Brandenburg, By Ines Spazier
8. Slag - With an Impression of Agricultural Practices, By Peter Hambro Mikkelsen
9. The Late Roman Ironworking Site at Ponte di Val Gabbia III, Bienno (Brescia, Italy), By Constanza Cucini Tizzoni & Marco Tizzoni
10. Medieval Ironworking on Mount Amiata (Siena, Italy), By Maria Elena Cortese
II. Regional Studies:
11. Between the Mountains and the Sea, By Frank Nikulka
12. A Short History of Danish Iron Research, By Lars Christian Nørbach
13. Past to Present, By Irene Schrüfer-Kolb
14. Recent Results from Investigations of Iron Production in Northern Europe, By Lars F. Stenvik
15. The Introduction of Iron in Sweden and Greece, By Eva Hjärthner-Holdar & Christina Risberg
16. Ironmaking Techniques During the Roman Period in Lithuania, By Jonas Navasaitis, Aušra Sveikauskaite, Algirdas Selskis & Eimutis Matulionis
III. Metallographic Investigations: Artefact and Site:
17. Notes on the Ferrous Technology of the Hispano-Islamic City of Vascos (Toledo), By Mattias Karlsson Dinnetz
18. Technical and Archaeological Investigation of an Early Iron Sword from Sweden, By Mattias Karlsson Dinnetz
19. On Forging Technologies of Estonian Iron Age and Medieval Axes, By Jüri Peets
20. What Role do Electron Transfer and Silicate Melt Polymerisation Play in the Iron-Making Process?, By Alain Ploquin, Michel Arnold & Cécile Mahe-le-Carlier
21. The Smithy Workshop of the Medieval Site of Leopoli-Cencelle (Viterbo, Italy), By Vasco La Salvia & L'ubomír Mihok
22. Metallographic Examination of Two Iron Age Hooked Blocks from England, By Vanessa Fell
23. Iron Production and Artifact-Making at Cosne-sur-Loire (Nièvre, France) in the Early Medieval Period, By Alain Bouthier
24. Synthèse des Études Métallographiques d’Échantillons de la forge de Ponte di val Gabbia III (Bienno V-VI century AD), Par Philippe Fluzin
25. The Scythian Iron Dagger, Spearhead and Other Iron Objects from the Great Scythian Kurhan at Rizhanovka, Ukraine, By Elzbieta Maria Nosek
IV. Metallographic Investigations: Regional Studies:
26. Schlacken verschiedener Stufen der Eisentechnologie, Von Ingo Keesmann & Andreas Kronz
27. Metallurgy of Iron at the Beginning of the 1st Millenium AD in Slovakia, By L'ubomír Mihok & Alena Pribulová
28. Bloomery Iron, Osmund Iron, Fined Iron and Puddled Iron, By Vagn Fabritius Buchwald
29. Altena in Westphalia, By Hans Ludvig Knau, Thomas Beier & Manfred Sönneken
30. European Iron Blooms, By Radomír Pleiner
31. The Role of Phosphorus in Early Ironworking, By E.G. Godfrey, A. Vizcaino & J.G. McDonnell
32. The Four Phases* Carbon - Gas - Slag - Metal and their Interaction in Bloomery Ironmaking, By Arne Espelund
V. Geophysic Prospecting and Archaeomagnetic Dating:
33. Archaeomagnetic Mapping, Modelling, Analysis and Dating of Iron Age Slags in Denmark, By Niels Abrahamsen, Bo Holm Jacobsen, Uwe Koppelt, Philip de Lasson, Tatyana Smekalova, Sidsel Grundvig & Olfert Voss
34. High Resolution Magnetic Surveys of Prehistoric and Medieval Iron-Smelting Furnaces in North-West Wales, By Peter Crew & Tatyana Smekalova
35. Field Procedures for Magnetic Investigations of Iron-Smelting Sites with Slag Pits, By Tatyana Smekalova & Olfert Voss
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