Pottery, Peoples and Places
Study and Interpretation of Late Hellenistic Pottery
En del af fagområdet Arkæologi
Redigeret af
Pia Guldager Bilde og
Mark L. Lawall
Med bidrag af
Nathan Badoud,
Andrea Berlin,
Pia Guldager Bilde,
Line Bjerg,
Anelia Bozkova,
Pierre Dupont,
Nina Fenn,
Søren Handberg,
Sharon Herbert,
Jakob Munk Højte,
Sarah James,
Valentina V. Krapivina,
Lynne Kvapil,
Patricia Kögler,
Mark L. Lawall,
Georgij Lomtadze,
John Lund,
Vasilica Lungu,
Yuki Miura,
Jean-Paul Morel,
Aneta Petrova,
Christine Rogl,
Susan I. Rotroff,
Guy D.R. Sanders,
Denis Zuravlev og
Natalia Zuravleva
Mere om bogen
Om bogen
The late Hellenistic period, spanning the 2nd and early 1st centuries BC, was a time of great tumult and violence thanks to nearly incessant warfare. At the same time the period saw the greatest expansion of 'Hellenistic' Greek culture, including ceramics. Papers in this volume explore problems of ceramic chronology (often based on evidence dependent on the violent nature of the period), survey trends in both production and consumption of Hellenistic ceramics particularly in Asia Minor and the Pontic region, and assess the impact of Hellenistic ceramic culture across much of the eastern Mediterranean and into the Black Sea.
Part 1. Chronologies
The Contribution of Inscriptions to the Chronology of Rhodian Amphora Eponyms
The Lower City of Olbia Pontike Occupation and Abandonment in the 2nd Century BC
Bridging the Gap: Local Pottery Production in Corinth 146-44 BC
A Re-examination of some of the South Stoa Wells at Corinth
Sulla and the Pirates
Part 2. Typology
Mouldmade Relief Bowls from Ephesos - The Current State of Research
The Hellenistic Mouldmade Bowl Production at Priene ─ A Case Study Concerning the Reception of Ephesian Examples
Table Ware from Knidos: The Local Production during the 2nd and 1st centuries BC
Hellenistic Pottery from the Necropolis of Olbia Pontike
A Pontic Group of Hellenistic Mouldmade Bowls
Imports and Local Imitations of Hellenistic Pottery in the Northwest Black Sea Area: Hadra and Pseudo-Hadra Wares
Late Hellenistic Pottery and Lamps from Pantikapaion: Recent Finds
Late Hellenistic Red-Slip Ware in Oblia
Part 3. Ceramics and Culture
Pots and Politics: Reflections on the Circulation of Pottery in the Ptolemaic and Seleukid Kingdoms
Dining In State: The Table Wares from the Persian-Hellenistic Administrative Building at Kedesh
Les campaniennes A et B, deux aspects d'une 'globalisation' économique et culturelle des céramiques tardo-hellénistiques
Pressen skrev
"Interesting insights in matters of method and historical recurrence can be found in this volume ... The volume reviewed hereby is a token of specialist research for a specialist audience. Any field of serious scholarly and scientific research requires this kind of literature."
Giorgio Baruchello, Nordicum-Mediterraneum
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