Pottery in the Archaeological Record: Greece and Beyond
Acts on the International Colloquium held at the Danish and Canadian Institutes in Athens, June 20-22, 2008
En del af serien Gösta Enbom Monographs (1) , og fagområdet Arkæologi
Redigeret af
Mark L. Lawall og
John Lund
Med bidrag af
Benjamin Costello IV,
Søren Handberg,
Eleni Hasaki,
Mark L. Lawall,
John Lund,
Kathleen Lynch,
Per Kristian Madsen,
Archer Martin,
Elizabeth Murphy,
J. Theodore Pena,
Jeroen Poblome,
Susan I. Rotroff,
Kathleen Warner Slane og
Roberta Tomber
Mere om bogen
Crafting Spaces: Archaeological, Ethnographic, and Ethnoarchaeological Studies of Spatial Organization in Pottery Workshops in Greece and Tunisia
Producing Pottery vs. Producing Models: Interpreting Workshop Organization at the Potters' Quarter of Sagalassos
Greek Amphorae in the Archaeological Record
Iconographic Evidence for the Handling and Use of Transport Amphorae in the Roman Period
Amphora Fragments Re-used as Potter's Tools in the Rural Landscape of Panskoye
Depositional Patterns and Behavior in the Athenian Agora: When Disaster Strikes
The Waste Stream of a Late Roman House: Case Study of the Commissary Block in the Earthquake House at Kourion
Olympia: Roman Pottery in the Archaeological Record
Repair and Recycling in Corinth and the Archaeological Record
Reusing Pottery in the Eastern Desert of Egypt
Mended in Antiquity: Repairs to Ceramics at the Athenian Agora
Roman Pottery in the Archaeological Record: Some Follow-Up Comments
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